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Double update
Love ya♥️

Kit: “why are they taking so much time?”

Kit asked for fourth time losing his patience. It’s nearly noon and there was no trace of forth and lam. He was about to call one of them but ming didn’t let him. So, now he and ming were waiting for forth and lam’s arrival while phana was still passed out in his room due to how much he drank yesterday. Kit was sure that phana will have really bad hangover when he woke up. And wayo was out since the morning, god knows where.

Ming: kit, can you stop pacing around. I am feeling dizzy.

Ming said rubbing his temples. He didn’t understand why kit was so impatient. Hearing ming, kit suddenly flop himself on the couch beside ming, Startling him.

Kit:  what if beam refuse to come here. You know the last time he cross this door, you know what phana said to him.

Kit recalled the scene of four years ago. Now, after years, when the truth got reveled, he couldn’t help but got Goosebumps, realizing how horrible all that. How unfair that was for beam. He couldn’t shake the image of phana dragging beam out of the apartment like some trash, while beam was begging them.

Ming: God. Can you stop that overthinking of yours? And they must be nea-

Ming was cutoff as the apartment door suddenly open and forth hurried inside holding unconscious beam in his arm. Lam was carrying a hysterically crying child in his arms. It must be him.Han. He was crying really loud and thrashing into lam’s arm, wanting to get out of his hold but couldn’t. Ming saw forth was about to place beam on couch but he told him to place him on bed, inside nearby guest room. Which forth do without readily.

Kit: Oh my god! Why he is like that?

As forth was taking beam to the guest room, kit hurried to the due, wanting to know what happen. Did forth knock him out because he refuse to come? No, it can’t be. Forth will not do that mistake after what happened. He helped forth to place beam on bed, and covering with blanket. He looked back, lam was doing his best to hold crying Han in his place.

Lam: papa is okay Hanie, he is okay.

Lam said trying to calm the little one, but it seems little one was not having it. But he stop thrashing around slowly, maybe because of tiredness. Lam hold Han close to himself. Saying soothing words in his ears time to time. He looked at the trio in front of him, which was trying to get single movement from beam.

Forth: beam? Beam? God, he is on fire. We should take him to hospital, I will call an ambulance.

Forth told ming, without looking at him. His eyes fixed on the beam, from the moment he realize something was wrong with him, outside their apartment. He nearly had heart attack when beam collapsed, He was really frecked out, but he gather himself. Han was there. If he break down there in front of him, then he would have freaked out.

Ming: No. Forth. We can’t. It’s risky. I will call Dr. Wang. If it’s get worse we will go to hospital okay.

Forth: Whatever you think better. Just tell him to hurry. He has really high fever.

Forth said, rubbing beam’s small hand in his. He was not in his right state of mind to determine what is risky or not. HE decided to do what his friend said.

Kit: Here wipe him with wet coat, it will help to reduce his temperature.

Kit handed the bowl with wet cloth and water to forth, as ming went out of the room, probably calling their personal doctor. But still it would take the doctor to come here at least 10 minutes.

Hanie: papa. I want papa.

Forth’s heart break hearing his son’s silent cries in lam’s hold. He was calm now unlike earlier. He wanted to hold him close to him. He looked at his son, simultaneously wiping beam’s hand with wet cloth. Beam’s temperature was really high.

Meanwhile, kit looked at the cap on beam’s forehead. The sweat was dripping from the side of the cap. So he move forward to remove the cap.

Kit: Why the hell he is wearing that cap here. Give me wet cloth I will place it on his fore-


Hanie: Nooooo. PAPA DON’T LIKE IT. NO

Suddenly Han yelled and started to thrash in lam’s hold. He started to cry and trying really hard to get out of lam’s hold. They all looked at the crying little one and then at each other, they didn’t understand the reason behind Hanie’s behavior.

Forth: Baby its okay. Just for minute and then we will place it again.

(Forth said and proceed to take the cap from unconscious beam’s forehead.)

Hanie: Noooooooooooooo

Lam: Hanie….

Han abruptly jumped from lam’s hold to stop forth, but the damage was already done. Forth had removed the cap and now all of  them were frozen due to shock at their place. Seeing the horror in front of them. Yes it was horror. It was the terrible sight to see. It was so painful to even look at it. There was huge scar on beam’s forehead. It looked like someone tried to engrave some word on his forehead. The alphabets “W”, “H” and “R” would clearly see while other alphabets between them were erased by scrubbing. It didn’t take them long to understand what was the word was. The old wound looked horrible, they could tell that beam has tried to erase it with something as the words are covered with another scars here and there.

Forth was in shock, it came unexpected for him. It hit more than beam’s fainting. So, this is why beam wear the cap all the time. It must be really painful, going through all this, when he didn’t done a single thing. How horrible he must have been felt, how hurt he must have been? How many time he had been crying, seeing himself in the mirror? How? Why? All because of him. All because of his unthinkable act.

Forth was frozen in his place, he was in utter shock. The world was moving slow for him. He saw how his son run towards beam and covered beam’s forehead with his small hands, he glared at forth, with his tear flowing eyes. Then he snatch the cap from forth’s hand.

Hanie: Give me the cap.

Hanie: papa don’t like if to show to anyone.

Han said hugging his papa’s neck as soon as he place the cap in its place, tears flowing from his eyes and sliding down on beam, who was still unconscious. Han’s cries were so pitiful, breaking the heart of every person present in the room. On the other hand, for forth, the shock was too much, his deed was too much, and his son’s cries were too much. Before he know, his body abruptly hit the floor before anyone could get a chance to catch him.

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Where stories live. Discover now