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Someone knocked on the door. Beam looked at the time, it was past midnight. He thought, maybe it was Forth at the door. He rose from the bed and opened the door only to see drunk Phana leaning on his door frame.


Phana slurred in his drunken state. He looked at Beam who was standing in front of him with an emotionless face. He slowly raises his hand and gently touches Beam's right cheek, tears flowing continuously from his eyes.

"I (sob) a-am sorry Beamieeeeeee"

"(sob) I am sorry for being such a failure brother (sob).

"I am sorry(sob), I caused you so much pain(sob)

Phana said between his crying. The next thing Beam knew was Phana hold Beam's palm and hit his(Phana) cheek hardly. it startled Beam, he hurriedly frees his hand seeing Phana was going to hit himself again.

"I deserve this. (sob) I deserve every slap, every punch from beamnie"

"I deserve (sob) whatever punishment you want to Beamnie. (sob)."

"But p-please, Don't tell me to stay away from you. (sob) P-pleeeeeeaseee"

"I missed you every day (sob) I wanted to see you. (sob) I wanted to hug you (sob) laugh with you b-but every time I thought, I w-would see Forth (sob) being lifeless sole in front of me. (sob) He was so affected by everything that he went into depression Beamnie. (sob) He even tried to commit suicide. ( sob). I want everything to be in the way it was in past, please. (sob) Pleaseeeee, I can't takkkkkeee it anymore. (sob) Pleaseeeee give us a second chance Beamnieeeee. Please. Please "

With that Phana passed out in Beam's arm.

Beam was emotional. He never saw Phana this devasted, not even when Phana's grandfather died. He looked at his unconscious brother. His silly phi. No matter what he did in past, Beam would never hate him. Phana was everything for Beam. His mother, father, brother, friend, everything. Phana helped him every way for fifteen years. How could he hate him when the latter has done so much for him. In fifteen years he never hurt Beam and he would have never if that DNA mismatched never happen. Beam knew Phana's love for him was pure. He did everything for Beam without wanting anything back from Beam. Can't he forgive his brother for one mistake he did in exchange for fifteen years of love and care that he yearned so much.

Beam sighed.

"Silly phi," he said as he drags Phana inside the room and laid him beside Hanie. It was past midnight and Phana's room was on the second floor. He possibly can't carry his brother on the second floor. And he can't live him in the living room. Phana never liked sleeping on the couch. So the only option was to take him to his room. He then brings a spare mattress and laid him on the floor. He then picks up hanie from the bed and laid him on the mattress. Both Phana and Hanie were messy sleepers. He laid beside Hanie, thinking about what Phana has said. "did Forth really tried to commit suicide?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the night, Forth was crying his heart out. Why did he betray him? Why out of all people him? What did he and Beam ever do to him? His phone ranged. He didn't want to but picked up the unknown call.


"Is this Forth-ssi speaking?" came a really familiar voice

"Yes. May I know to whom am speaking?"

"It's Mr. Dwak, You know me as Sin. Beam's frie-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I recognize you."

"I wanted to have chat with Mr. Jaturapoom."

"Okay. About?"

"Beam" That was enough for Forth. He won't waste a second if it comes to Beam and his son.

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Where stories live. Discover now