Chapter 2

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IrinaPalomino: @Givenchy

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IrinaPalomino: @Givenchy

5,000,000 likes ~ 17,000 comments


In the entire Palomino clan, Adriana and Tyler are the only set of twins which meant that they always got a special type of attention. I used to be so envious of them as a child because they always had a bond that I didn't have with any of my siblings. Whenever Adriana got into a fight with any of our sisters, she always had Tyler to run to while I always had myself.

For the last five minutes, I have been been standing besides Tyler as he waits on Adriana to come down and he has yet to notice me.

I loudly clear my throat and Tyler slightly jumps in surprise.

"Woah." Tyler looks at me with wide eyes. "Kid, I didn't even see you there."

I watch as he gets off the stool and makes his way over to me so I set my bowl down on the island

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I watch as he gets off the stool and makes his way over to me so I set my bowl down on the island.

"That's because you only see Adriana." I smile as he wraps his arms around me. As he goes to pull away, I tighten my grip around him and he lightly pats my back.

"What's going on?" He softly asks as I bury my face his chest. "Irina."

"Nothing." I step back and look at him. "I'm just really happy to see you."

Tyler ruffles my hair before giving my temple a kiss.

"It looks like we need to spend more time together." He says as he looks into my eyes. "I know that we haven't always been close growing up but I am still your brother and I want you to know that you can talk to me."

"Thanks Tyler." I smile tightly. "I appreciate that."

"Brooke and I are always open to have people crash at our place so whenever  you get tired of being around Miss Adri then come on over." He hands me a key and I look at him in surprise. "My house is yours."

"Wow." I blink back tears, "Thanks."

"Just shoot me a text or give me a call whenever you plan to stop by." 


IrinaShayk:  @Givenchy

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IrinaShayk:  @Givenchy

4,000,000 likes ~ 15,000 comments


"It's crazy to think that maybe twenty to twenty five years ago, I wouldn't have been able to have afford anything on this menu." My mom tells me as we look through the brunch menu at the Polo Lounge. "That's one thing that keeps me humble."

"I know mami, you always tell me this story." I smile warmly at her as she strokes my cheek.

"The reason why I tell you is so that you understand how different are worlds are." She puts her hand back on the menu. "You were blessed to be born into a life of wealth and not one of poverty. For as long as you live, you will never see poverty and that's why I tell you the story."

I am well aware of how blessed I am to be born into wealth courtesy of my father who built the Palomino empire and the world never fails to remind me of how spoilt I am

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I am well aware of how blessed I am to be born into wealth courtesy of my father who built the Palomino empire and the world never fails to remind me of how spoilt I am.

"You look tired, mija." My mom analyses my face and I sigh. "Are you not sleeping?"

"I am sleeping." I rub the side of my neck. "I just have a lot of work to do which means that sleep isn't the biggest priority, it's more of a luxury."

People underestimate what life is like a model. It is so much more than looking beautiful and having your photos taken for magazines or brand campaigns. You are basically selling your soul to these agencies and fashion brands for money and exposure.

"I know you don't want to hear this but I think that it is time to take a break from modelling and be the twenty one year old that you deserve to be." My mom is right but I can't while I'm at the top of my game. "You are overthinking what I said but you can do it. Nobody will be made at you for wanting to enjoy your youth. You spent half of your teen years working and it hurts to see you like this."

"Mami." I let out a deep sigh. "I am the top model who sets the standards and paves the way for other models. I am exactly where I have always wanted to be, this is no time to rest."

"You're killing yourself." Her dramatic cry draws attention and I boldly stare back at the people until they look away. "You are not the first to be where you are and you will not be the last. Harmony was there, Adriana was there and Phoebe has always been there. The whole world knew but at what cost."

"Harmony is a billionaire." I point out and she shakes her head.

"Harmony was depressed and she went through a divorce. Being a top model does not erase all your problems or insecurities, it makes them bigger because the world points them out to you." My mom wraps her arm around me and I cuddle up to her tiny frame. "I have always admired you girls for never getting the surgeries and fillers but I see the way you look at yourselves. I see the way you guys cry when you don't like what you see in the mirror."

We pause to order our food and drinks.

"You guys don't realise how beautiful you are." I pull away from her. "I'm not saying it because you're my daughter but because I know you all. When all you started modelling together, Mila used cry all the time about her height."

I look at my mom in surprise and she nods her head.

"You all are past 5'7 while Mila is 5'4, that has always been her insecurity because that was never the standard height in modelling and people weren't shy to tell her that." My mom sighs. "I always told her to give it her all because her beauty and personality outshine that. Anyways the point is that I want you to be happy. You are my last child and I hate to see how distant you are to all of us... more importantly to yourself."

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