Chapter 8

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CelebSpot: Twenty-one year old supermodel, Irina Palomino was spotted moving into her new home in Hidden Hills

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CelebSpot: Twenty-one year old supermodel, Irina Palomino was spotted moving into her new home in Hidden Hills. 

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While I was partaking in New York fashion week, I purchased my very first home with the help of Adriana who viewed the properties for me. I originally planned to buy a home in Beverly Hills close to my sisters but Adriana showed me a last minute property in Hidden Hills which won me over.

The only thing that is ruining this moment for me is that the blog sites have posted about it and that is something that I did not plan on sharing with the world. I am the only child who still lives with my father so this is a pretty big deal to everyone.

I may have featured on two reality TV shows but I am fiercely private about my life so this doesn't make me feel good inside. I feel as if I have shared so much of my life with the world that I am now entitled to keep some things to myself.

"May God bless this home and my children for as long as they live." My mother says after the priest has prayed over my home. "Amen."


I thank the priest over the phone before hanging up as Joe hoists me up into the air and a loud laugh leaves my lips.

Everyone in my family made it down to my home to welcome me into it which means everything to me because they easily could have just sent me flowers and visited in their own time.

"Let me get in on that." Colin snatches me out of Joe's arms and I squeal as he throws me up into the air.

"My turn." Rafael magically snatches me out of the air before squeezing me in a bear hug that has me wrapping my legs around his waist. The moment that we're sharing has me wanting to cry because I was never really close to any of my brother apart from Joe because I always felt like a nuisance.

I am the last of eleven children so they've had to deal with five sisters prior to my existence so I immediately reached for my sisters who were my role models. Being that they're older, it wasn't long before they started moving out of the home and I was barely a teen when all of my siblings had left.

 Being that they're older, it wasn't long before they started moving out of the home and I was barely a teen when all of my siblings had left

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