Chapter 4

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IrinaPalomino: Palomino Skin

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IrinaPalomino: Palomino Skin

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Harmony and I have had a tumultuous relationship for a number of years but this just takes the cake. She showed up at Adriana's house with her twin daughters and literally dumped them on me with no information as to what I'm supposed to do with them. 

I have never taken care of children by myself so I feel really uneasy. Stella was supposed to help me out but she was called in for a last minute shoot so I won't see her for three or four hours.

"What do you want to do?" I look down at the twins who are staring up at me with a blank expression on their faces. "You better not be trying to join the Killer Twins show because I will fight back."

Izabella or atleast I think it's Izabella, scrunches her face up.

"Where's mommy?"

"If only I knew." I sigh as I grab Adriana's car keys from the coffee table. "Do you guys want to go out?"

"Outside?" Alenia points to the backyard and I shake my head.

"Outside outside." I start leading them towards the corridor. "McDonalds? Starbucks?"

"YES!" Izabella throws her arms up in the air which makes Alenia copy her actions which I find cute.

As we're walking towards the front door, Alenia goes into her mini purse and pulls something out.

"What is it?" I ask as she holds it up for me to see and my eyes widen in surprise as I look down at it, "Why are you handing me an American Express card?"

Alenia looks at me as if I'm stupidest person alive, "Shopping."

"Dude, you're two years old." I kiss my teeth as I take the card out of her hand and shove it in my pocket. "We're going McDonalds then the playground."

The twins literally sashay away and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Harmony left their car seats outside. It's good because I can legally drive the kids around in the car but bad because I have never installed a car seat.

"Oh bugger." I place my hands on my hips as I look down at the car seats. "Fuck my life."

It takes me a little over thirty minutes to install the car seats in the car. I had to go on Youtube to search up the brand and the installation process before calling Harmony because I had a mini panic attack. I almost cried and the twins paid me no mind as they watched Peppa Pig on the tablet.

A mess.

Once we were on the road, I started to feel a lot better because the twins are pretty chill and they aren't as needy as I expected them to be. 

Harmony probably wouldn't be happy with me taking them to a fast food restaurant so I settled on this kid friendly Italian restaurant which also has a playground. I don't know the twins well enough to know how they are around other children so I'm not risking it with a public playground.

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