Chapter 7

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IrinaPalomino: This is the face of fun

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IrinaPalomino: This is the face of fun

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I have spent my entire morning and afternoon doing preparation for fashion week. Over a dozen designers sent me looks to wear for street style and events so I had a three hour long fitting session. My flight to New York is at six in the morning and I have some more fittings to do once I arrive so I made sure to do some self care today.

I was supposed to be viewing homes since I want my own place but there was no time in m schedule so I did a virtual viewing with Adriana who understands what I'm looking for. I now need to make the decision of whether I'm going to participate in London, Paris and Milan Fashion week since my sisters will not.

"Fuck my life."

My love for older men has not gone away and I found myself messaging Joel Kinnamon after watching Altered Carbon. The sex scenes and seeing him shirtless just did something to me so I reached out to him through instagram.

He did not reply to my message for a couple of days so I moved on with my life until I saw his request for my number. We started speaking through text and videocall for a week straight before organising a meet for dinner. 

Naturally the paparazzi are photographing me as I walk to the Turkish restaurant and I stupidly forgot my airpods so I have to listen to everything that they are saying.

"You look hot."

"Who are you meeting?"

I continue to ignore them as my security team keeps them at bay since I am alone. My go to bodyguard is called Danny and he is a 6'2 Mexican wannabe gangster which I love because he always has the most intriguing stories to tell.

"Scratch the back of your head if you want me to get you out of the situation and drop your purse if I should kick his ass." Danny tells me and I pull a face.

"I'm not dropping my purse on the ground for anybody." I turn my nose up at him. "That's unsanitary."

"Just say that you're a snob." He gives me a slight nudge. "Find a way to add my name into the mix and I'll break his knees with a spoon."

"Danny." I fight back a smile as we enter the restaurant. "Maybe it's time that you go looking for a cartel to join or become a bounty hunter."

"Then who would keep your spoiled ass in check." He gives me a small push as I smile. "There's your man at two o'clock."

I take a deep breath as I begin approaching Joel who looks up with a smile on his phone. Danny heads to his own table as I walk past a waitress who opens her mouth to say something which I completely ignore.

Joel stands up as I near the table.

"Hey." We share a brief hug. "You look good."

I fight the urge to say I know because I know it makes me sound conceited. Two years ago I would not have cared about how I sounded to people but I am genuinely trying to become a better person.

Irina PalominoWhere stories live. Discover now