Chapter 10

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IrinaPalomino: Ready for Milan Fashion Week 

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IrinaPalomino: Ready for Milan Fashion Week 

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People will forever have something to say about me having a privileged life but I simply do not care because I work really hard for the things that I have in life. My family name did not make me the number one model in the world, it may have brought me to the front of the line but I had to bust my ass off for that title while being harrassed by the media.

I am currently en route to Milan with Joe, Joel and Sophie on the private jet that I purchased last year. The flight is a little over thirteen hours so I wanted to be comfortable during the flight since this is for work and I need to be at my best.

"We have twelve more hours to go." I announce to the gang as I take a sip of wine. "The chef is currently preparing dinner for us and I have an unlimited supply of alcohol to get us through this flight."

 Sophie throws her arms around me, "And this is why we love you."

"I'm still not over you secretly owning a private jet and I'm your favorite brother." Joe scoffs before rolling his eyes. "Nice to know that I'm so loved by you."

"You being surprised has nothing to do with me, it's all on you." I wink at him. "You know how I roll, I have never been ashamed of liking the finer things in life. When I really started making my name in the modelling industry, I decided that it was time to upgrade my lifestyle so that's exactly what I did."

"I love that about you." Sophie tells me as she reaches for her glass. "I thought you were a complete snob when I first met you."

"And I thought the same of you."

My brother chuckles at the exchange as he give his wife's shoulder a reassuring rub because I am often known as a viper. I will always have something to say in return which is why I can never be intimidated or shut down by anybody.

"How busy are you going to be?" Joel asks once we are seated away from the other couple and I grimace. "Will we have any moments alone?"

"I am Irina Palomino." I place my hand on his thigh. "I can always make moments happen."

"I know." He kisses my temple while wrapping his arm around me. "I get that we're here to support you while you do fashion week but it's not often that we get to visit Italy."

"My work schedule is in your google calendar." I tell him and he looks at me in surprised. "Italy is considered the city of romance and I anticipated that you would want to do something so fit yourself into my schedule."

Joel chuckles at my bluntness.

"Make sure it's worth it." I look him in the eyes. "You know I don't settle for the bare minimum."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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