Part 3

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Alex Pov

Its been two weeks and I have lunch with my grandfather. Knowing what this mean I terrified. Getting to the restaurant Trey and I walked in with Aj. Tiffany had some last minute stuff to do.

Walking in I see my grandfather standing flirting with the waitress.

"Old man you don't think you need to settle down" Trey called out he looked our way with straight face then laughed

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"Old man you don't think you need to settle down" Trey called out he looked our way with straight face then laughed. Ooh how I miss this man. "Better be careful boy. Next time it will be your girl" Trey stopped laughing but I almost pissed my pants.

He looked at me and then my arms and started to smile. I haven't seen him smile that since mama passed a few years ago. "My great grandbaby. Give him here" He took Aj kissing him all over his face. "You gotten a heir You better make a honest woman out his mother. You know why I'm here." He said looking into my eyes.

"Why am I here?" He asked looking into my eyes. "One of us has to be Don" I said with a sigh. He nod "And Im guessing by the stare your giving Its me?" I said looking him in his eyes. I knew it would be me the moment I killed Justin. I knew he'd come just didn't know when.

He nod looking at Trey to see what he has to say. "I knew it would had to been you when Tiffany got pregnant. Im not mad I want to be a lawyer" he winked at me. "Your mother told me what happen to Tiffany Im sorry. I was going to kill your father but your mother said that was your choice not mine" he rolled his eyes while bouncing Aj on his knee.

"Your going to collage next week. Your training will also start next week. Both of you" he said looking at us. Sigh Tiffany going to kill me. I never thought I was going to be Don so I had no need to tell her. But Tiffany came along she unlocked that part of me giving me something to protect, to love and take care of.

"Papa my woman is going to kill me when I tell her." I said with a sigh "Your coronation is six months from now. Your mama raised you in the way of mafia. You know most of everything this is just a refresh. You have until then to tell her." He said 6 months and I'm Don shit shes going to kill me. "Ive searched her up I have no doubt she will be amazing Donna." He said.

Our food came and I was lost in thought shes going to leave me. I look up see papa trying to give Aj a fry. I laughed at them its cute.

Hours later making it home my mom called us into her room. "Who did he pick" she asked. She looked at both of us. "I always knew it would be you" she said looking at me "Even though you were always shy and quiet it was always that spark" She said sighing looking at me. "When" was all she said "6 months" Trey answered for me. "Good luck telling Tiffany. When training?" She asked "next week" was all I said.

Walking out I went straight to the baby room getting him a pair of clothes. We took a shower together after I got him ready I feed him and he was out right to bed. Papa tired his ass out he even missed his nap. Getting into my room I see my baby laying down. Putting on clothes and laying right behind her. She turned and cuddled into me.

Lord how I am going to tell her this. Will she accept it will she accept us. She's going to kill me this mean Aj is my heir. I'm putting my family in danger. I knew it had to be one of us. Just growing up i always thought it was Trey he was stronger, faster more outgoing.

He can demand a room with no issue. As I'm laying here I noticed that Im also growing into that. But is this something I want. Can I put my family at risk but also ill have to it. Main reason if he puts someone else in charge they'll come after Aj because hes the rightful heir. Even if I declined.


Getting ready it's the first day of school. Sighing I walk into our room to see if Tiffany is ready yet. Our baby sitting plans goes.

My mom -Mondays and Thursday
Tiffany mom- Tuesday - Friday
Trey or Dustin- Wednesday

Grabbing my bag "baby come on you don't want to be late do you" I yelled out

The bathroom door opened and she came out looking good too good for my liking

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The bathroom door opened and she came out looking good too good for my liking. Great more men trying to steal my future wife I thought rolling my eyes.

"Is this okay baby"? She asked me looking at her licking my lips

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"Is this okay baby"? She asked me looking at her licking my lips. Looking at the time Damn if we had more time. "You look beautiful baby" I said kissing her deeply she's a lot thicker since she had Aj. She hates it but I love it grabbing her thighs and that ass whew.

Grabbing her hands we on our way. Getting to campus I opened the door her. I can already see guys practically drooling over her. I kissed her bye until like high school we only had one classes together. And that drove me crazy.

Going to my first class I sat in the back and began my day. I'm taking 4 classes today so is Tiffany. The day is almost over and this is my last class. Also the only class I share with Tiffany. It was an uneventful day to say the least.

Walking into class I see Tiffany sitting by herself in the back. But the guy in front of her keeps trying to get her attention. Walking up to her I pecked her cheek. "Hey baby how was your day" I asked her. "Long I miss my baby" I kissed her head. A person who doesn't know Tiffany will think she meant me. But no this the longest she went without Aj.

The teacher still isn't here but then I heard a voice " Alexander?" Who know me here looking up I see Lucy? My eyes widen as she came closer I put my head in my hands and then looked up at the ceiling praying to God Tiffany keep her hands to herself.

She comes over and sat right next to me completely ignoring Tiffany presence. Tiffany looks at me like is this bitch serious. "Hey Lucy I didn't know you went here" I said slowly "Yeah It's my first day how you been? You don't mind if I sit next you right I'll keep your company." She said like she didn't see Tiffany right here.

"Lucy this is my girlfriend Tiffany" I said trying to get her to realize the danger she just put herself in. "Ooh that's her?" She said I had to catch Tiffany hand because she was about to punch her. "Not at school baby" She burned holes into Lucy. While Lucy only smirked Lord help me.

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