Part 20

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Alex POV

It's been 3 weeks and Tiffany been out the hospital for one. She doesn't speck to me anymore. She just distance herself and sits in a room all day. The only people allowed in her room is Zane and my granddad.

I hate this Zane guy and he knows it. Aj will be back today and I hope that gets Tiffany in a better mood. They should be here any minute and I can't wait to see my big boy.

Sitting thinking what am going to do about Tiffany it's stressing me out. I just don't know what to do anymore. A few minutes later I hear laughed coming from the living room.

Not just any laugher but Tiffany's walking out my office she smiling and crying with Aj in her arms. Kissing him 30 times all over his face while he giggles

Looking over he see me and make grabby hands at me taking him out his mother hands. I hug and kiss him letting know how much I love and miss him.

Giving him back to Tiffany she took him and went to the room she resigned in for the pass few days. Closing the door in the process kissing my mom and her mom on the cheek.

Fulling them in on everything that happened. My mom cried a bit after finding out about David's death but she decided to just cremate him. She doesn't really want nothing to do with it.

Tiffany's mom walked out of the room I'm guessing to check on her. Sighing I rub my temple while my mom is sitting across from me granddad,Trey and a few of our men came in.

We all we're talking about who the mole would be. Also why will they help David out of all people then I began to speak.

" maybe the person thought they were helping me out. Maybe the person was just trying to protect me and Aj by just giving David what he wanted. Or maybe they just didn't like Tiffany or think she should be Donna because we never had a black Donna before." I said looking around room.

"Trey?" It was dead silent you can't hear a pin drop.

"Why don't you ask our MOTHER why she helped David?" I passed him and granddad the files and all hell broke lose.


Sitting down with Aj between my legs talking to Dustin when my mommy walked in. She looked me for a while then sat on side of me.

"I'm taking Aj and moving are you guys coming?"  I asked they both looked at me "what about Alex?" My mom asked me I wiped the tears dripping from my chin.

"He has duties here I can't stay here mommy I just can't I have to go. Are you coming with me?" I looked at both of them "you know I'm with you no matter what." Dustin said and I nod.

"You know I'll never let you do anything alone!" My mom said I nod "so where are we going?" Dustin asked " Australia" their head snap to mines. "You can bring your girlfriend if you want. I bought a house already but it's in daddy name with me as the beneficiary". They looked at me and nod.

"When" Mom asked "2 weeks give Alex some time to spend with Aj. It's a secret No one knows where we're going." I said  leaning back watching word party with Aj.

My mom and brother left the room. I have to get out this environment. I feel like I'm going crazy and I have to heal I can't do that with Alex.

Last time I don't think I healed I think I just buried it using Alex as blanket. I need time alone away from him I will always love him but I became so dependent on him so fast.

Hopefully one day will be back to where we were.


I haven't seen Jeniffer in while and no one will tell me where she is. It's about 10pm At the moment Aj is with Alex in his room. Walking in there they looked so cute cuddle against each other. Smiling and taking a picture I gently grabbed Aj and toon him to my room.

Watching tv I hear footsteps running to me when my room was burst open. Alex looked worried and pissed but when he saw Aj sleeping he relaxed. Getting up and walking to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nod and walked back to his room following him to his room. "Alex what's wrong?" I asked him. "I woke up and he wasn't there. He feel asleep with me but he wasn't there. I almost had a heart attack" he said I nod my head sitting down. Looking at him I love him so much.

                     🛑MATURE CONTENT🛑

What I'm about to do is going to break his heart. Kissing him he automatically kissed me back. Pulling me on top of him he squeezed my butt and I moaned.

He took my dress off and I was naked underneath flipping me over he sucked on my breast as he took off his boxers.

Rubbing his fingers up and down my plump split I was already soaked. He pushed his dick into me. "Fuck" we both moan simultaneously. He's kissing my neck breast and we're making love like our life depends on it.

"I love you so much" he whispered in my ears and I cry a little knowing I'm about to break his heart and trust. "I love you more then anything. Don't you ever forget that". We went on for about another hour or so.

Looking at the time 2am I sneaked out his bed. Putting the letter I wrote him under a picture of me and Aj. Glancing at him once more I went to my room and got ready. Grabbing our suit case I tiptoed downstairs. My mom and Dustin already down there with the taxi.

Looking out the window as I leave the love of my life behind. I cry in silence looking at my baby I have to do this for US.

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