Part 30

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Tiffany POV
Five Years Later

It's been a while and a lot has change. Alex and I are married and happily together Aj is so big he's going to be seven soon. I'm also pregnant with our second child. As soon as my birth control came out Alex got me pregnant.

Talking about some he want a girl. Little bitch Aj is extremely excited about it being a big brother. He keeps going on and on about how he's gonna feed the baby and give it a bath. It's cute Dustin and Trey got married and now lives next door the adopted twin Boys who are the same age as Aj and them three are trouble.

Aj having my temper he gets into fights a lot but we're working on it.  Grandpa think it's funny because of his title but I don't. He's to small for this. Dustin and Trey boys Adrain and  Anthony are spite-fires also. So them three together are a force to reckon with.

I don't know what's gonna happen when they get older. My mom died two years ago she had breast cancer and never told us. Only person who knew was grandpa I was so angry with her.

Because she didn't tell me we could had done something. But she didn't want to do chemo therapy. I almost didn't go to her funeral because of how angry I was. But I am forever grateful to my Husband. For making me go because I would had regretted it.

I'm now sitting on the floor in the attic looking thought things I want to be put downstairs for the new baby. When I came over a letter it's the letter David left for me. I took a deep breath and opened it.  

Dear Tiffany,

        If your seeing this it mean I'm dead more then likely you killed me. I know none of sons has the balls to do it. My wife loves me too much to ever think of it. So that leaves you or some type of disease. But I want it to you to kill me. That way you always have me in the back of your mind.

       I love you I have known I loved from the first time I saw you in Chicago. Walking out the store in that Black Hoodie and purple and black Jordans. I followed you around a lot after that. Keeping you close until you got a bit older.

        I even made a way so that I know you'll be comfortable. It was easy to make your dad death to seem like it's was an accident. I made sure you had more then enough money to be taken care of.

       So you can imagine my surprise when I saw you walking into my kitchen that day.  I was looking for you for weeks. And God just delivered you to me.

      I never meant to hurt you I just wanted you to love me the way I loved you. To take care of me and bless me with two more kids. But if your reading this I see I didn't succeed.

I'm leaving you most of everything I got I want you to be taken care of. Even when I'm not there to take care of you. I want my princess to be comfortable.

                            See you in the afterlife
                                 Love always David

I the paper slipped out my hands and I broke all over again. On the floor crying I didn't hear the door open "hey hey baby what's wrong?" Alex asked me sitting behind me holding me.

He looked at the paper in front of me reached for it. He read it like 5 times. Sighing he picked me up and taking me out the attic. I'm about 7 months and this has been an extremely difficult Pregnancy.

He took me to our room sitting behind me rubbing my belly. "Shhh baby I know it's okay we're okay. He's not here he didn't win" I nod yes taking in what he said. How can someone be so fucking evil. I know the day he's talking about I was 14 at the time.

I knew he looked familiar he followed me around Walmart the entire time. And tried to follow me home but I walked the back way. I remember telling my mommy how a man tried to kidnap me.

We called the police but never had any proof so they couldn't do anything about it. I got this massive headache after. Not knowing how to feel "you want me to eat your choochie" I laughed at this.

I've been extremely horny lately. But right now I feel dirty like I need a bath what the hell is wrong with that man. Alex probably could read my mind I came to the conclusion. He got up and ran me a warm bath sitting me in there.

I don't know how he lift my big ass. But I can't get the letter out my head. I started to get this pain in my stomach. I should never read that damn letter.  Standing up "Alex" I yelled for him.

He ran in "something wrong" he picked me up dried me off putting clothes on me. Lifting me to the car Dustin and Trey are downstairs. "What's wrong?" Trey asked "I don't know?"  I said then a gush of water went down my pants.

Alex got me to the car speeding to the hospital. Someone was already outside waiting for us. I guess Trey called getting in there doctors and nurses swarm me.

"We're gonna have to do a c C-section. "What why?" I'm looking around my water already broke. The doctor is screaming directions no one listening or answering me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Alex voice boom a crossed the room.

Everyone stopped "Her blood pressure is too high and her water broke already. We can't get her blood pressure down before the baby comes. And that can kill either her , the baby or both" I looked at Alex he nod at the doctor.

"It's okay baby we got the best doctor ever. You got this I'll be with you every inch of the way"  I nod yes Alex is suiting up for surgery and so am I. We holds my hand as we walk out.

Alex POV

I should had burn that fucking letter. Why didn't I burn it I knew some bull shit would had been in that letter.

Watching in the corner of the room I don't move my eyes. I watch every nurse and doctor as they touch my wife. Black women has a tendency to die when in labor at hospitals. And if anything happens to my wife. Everyone here will lose any one they ever loved.

Then I'll make them watch watch on video the torture I put them through the screams before I burn them alive. I put that on my mama.

They got the baby out and it cried. "It's a girl I smiled. One nurse took it to the corner of the room following the baby because I know Tiffany will kick my ass if I'd didn't. Then I heard more crying looking back it's a next baby.

"Did you know you were having twins." I shook my head no at the doctors question. "It's another girl" the nurse was cleaning them up. The stitch Tiffany back up.

Two girls ooh lord two girls that look like their mother. I need more guns a lot more guns. Rubbing my temple the nurse give me my babies and I looked at them. Their prefect my princesses.

A few hours later Tiffany was up. She sat up a bit looking at me "where my baby" she said looking around I smiled having it plan out. I rang the nurse telling them Tiffany's up. The nurse brought one in.

She smiled and started to cry while I'm video tapping this moment. Then the other nurse came and her mouth dropped. "Which one is mines?" She said and I laughed "both!" The nurse said laughing with me.

"Both of them came out of me?" She asked and we nod she took both in her arms kissing their heads. "Okay" she said nodding then looked at me pointing a finger. "No more kids!" I laughed ooh I need one more boy.

But I'm not gonna tell her that. Not long after everyone walked in. Grandpa leading the pack he stopped and looked at us "did y'all know they give you two babies?" He asked

"Yes we know" everyone happy Aj trying to pick one up. "What's their name"

"Well grandpa has autumn and Aj has summer" I just stare at my beautiful family.

The End

Alright people I wanna thank you all for this Journey. Without you I wouldn't be here and I am forever grateful for each of you that took the time out to read it.

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