Part 16

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Alex POV

It's been four days and Tiffany haven't stopped crying. We're staying with my granddad and Tiffany is overwhelmed and emotionally tired. She haven't really slept not know how without Aj being near.

I feel like such a fucking failure I can't protect my damn family what kinda Don am I. We raid David's hide out but he was gone. Everyone and everything was gone. He was mocking me walking into the building written on the wall in all caps with big red letters.


My family is falling apart I don't know where my son is. My girlfriend is mentally falling apart. It's like nothing I can do and it's pissing me off more and more. It's 3am and I'm up drinking Scotch. The bottle is almost gone now and my mind just isn't doing what I need it to do.

I need a fucking plan I need to know who's helping him. I have a fucking mole and I don't know who it is. Taking another shot some sat across from me looking I see my granddad.

"Is this the type Don you'll be? When things aren't going your way you'll drink your life away. If so let me know so I can find your replacement." He took the bottle from me and through it.

"Your girlfriend is upstairs crying her eyes out. Your child and mother are half way across the world and you are in here drunk!" He smacked me.

"You know why you were chosen." I looked him in his eyes. "Because You are strong not just physically but mentally you suffered years of depression having Suicidal thoughts but you pulled through because you are strong!" He said getting up.

"Get your shit together!" He walked out I sat closing my eyes thinking and sobering up. Then it hits me pulling out my laptop I use to be into hacking. Freezing David's bank account therefore he has to go in to get it unfrozen.

But he can't go into any bank he has to go into his central bank. Not telling anyone because I don't know can I trust. I'll see you in the morning David.

Getting into my room I see Tiffany in bed asleep. Rubbing her tear stained face I kissed her head. "I'll make it better!" I'll make it right.


I took a taxi so no one can track my car. I left the cell phone I was using. Passing the driver $100 dollars. "Do as I say I'll give you $100 dollars a hour then $500 at the end of the it." He nod. We kept driving pass the bank until I saw my dad. I smiled at it pulling into the parking lot with other cabs waiting for a call.

I watched him walk into the back. Handing the tracker to the driver "get this under the car I'll give you $1000 dollars on top of everything. Walking out the car while I lay down in the back seat.

He came back to the car we sat for bit until he came out. Making the cab driver follow him writing notes and directions see where he showed up following for 5 hours. Letting the cab driver take me home. Giving him the $1300 dollars.

Looking at the driver "if you show up here tomorrow at 8am I will give you the same amount" he nod his head yes smiling at the amount of money he made doing less work.

Walking upstairs to our room I hear Tiffany talking. "No mommy I'm fine I promise"
"No mommy you know I don't that anymore"
"Mommy I promise you I haven't done it since I was 12"
"How's Aj?"
"I miss him too it's not going to be long."
"You'll have only been there a week mommy"
"Okay love you bye"

Then she started crying again sighing I walked into the room going to the bathroom I run us a bath. Stripping out my clothes I took off all her clothes. Sitting her into the hot water I sat behind her.

Leaving soft kisses on her neck and letting her know how much I love her, and that everything is going to be alright

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Leaving soft kisses on her neck and letting her know how much I love her, and that everything is going to be alright. She stopped crying after a while.  "I miss him too" I said she nod

"I'm working on it baby. Don't worry I'll have him back soon I promise" I'm trying to assure her. Everything is going to be fine.



As plan the cab driver returned the following day and everyday after. Alex now has David routine down packed.

Him and the cab driver following him from a safe distance. The only people who knows what he's doing is Tiffany and his granddad.

He also give them all the information he had just in case. As they were following David something felt off. He wasn't doing his regular routine. It's like he's trying to throw them off his trail.

Driving still following them Alex soon realized they were the ones being followed. It was a trap "drive faster" Alex yelled to the cab driver. He stepped on it.

The boom they got rear ended. Flying forward. He took out the little flip phone he carried and text Tiffany. "I'm going to be taken find me!" He send it.

Putting the phone in his boxers so no one will know he had it on it. They were hit again. The car spin around they fell into a ditch.

The car flipped over Alex dragged himself from out the car that was now on fire. Pulling out the driver making sure he was okay. Paying him money and giving him a card "call him he'll buy you a new car. Hide and run no matter what you hear don't come back" he said.

Him and the cab driver both ran in different directions. But he heard men closing in on him. They were coming from different directions he couldn't find a place to hide. Coming to a cross way he took a while guess going left. He didn't hear anyone thinking he was safe he slowed down to walk and catch his breath.

Starting to run again he came around a corner then. BAM!! Lights out.

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