Part 13

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Tiffany POV

Sighing I went to take a shower washing my hair in the process because I'm stress out and trying to think. Why can't this crazy ass man leave me alone. He's ruining my life my family we had to switch to online school because it's too dangerous to go to school.

It's been about a week we all sleep in the same room Alex Aj and I. I moved his crib into the room so he can be closer. I also doesn't let him out my sight. I can't afford for anything to happen to him. Alex and I are still broken up he's trying thought and I'm happy for that.

He's been keeping me updated and not hiding anything from me. Even lets me in on some of the meetings. I only get to sit through them for a few minutes before Aj gets bored and fussy. My mommy will always try to take him but I can't let no one take him.

The moment he's out my sight I feel uneasy and like something is going to happen. So I just keep him with me.

Alex and I still aren't talking will me not talking to him. He sleeps on the couch in our room and my nightmares has decreased knowing that's he's close to me.

I miss my best friend he's the best thing that happened to me but he has to learn. I can't just keep letting shit slide because then that's what he's going to get use to. I know he's faithful an amazing guy and a spectacular father.

But without trust we don't have nothing and right now I can't trust him. I'm just happy he's trying to do better. Not really paying attention at the time I heard Aj crying getting out the shower with conditioner still in my hair to see he's in the corner of our room crying. Going to pick him up "hey hey baby don't cry mommy's big boy!" He keeps looking at the window.

Looking at it the window is open I never leave the window open grabbing my robe and slowly walked out the room not taking my eyes off it. Not taking any chances walking out I yelled "Alexxx!" Men ran to my direction I pointed to the room. They all went in Alex came running checking up for injuries.

Two of the guards walked out one coming to us one on the walkie talkie " check all perimeters Now!"  Walk into the room the window was closed written on it with what looks like red paint. I'm hoping it's red paint.

"I always loved seeing you naked!" I started to hyperventilate. He was in my room he was with my baby. Looking at Aj checking his body making sure there wasn't a scratch on him. "Baby breath breath" I hear but they sound like their underwater.

I felt someone tried to take Aj out my arms and I snapped "Don't ever tried to take him out my arms again. I don't care the situation!"  Looking up it was my mom "I'm sorry mommy!" I said crying softly. "It's okay baby your in mother bear mode. I'm not mad just hand him here finish your shower in my room." I nod to her yes.

"Who the fuck was supposed their guards. How did this happen how did he get in. I swear I will start killing each of you one by one and hire someone who can do the fucking job!" Alex was yelling. The men looked terrified.

Taking a quick shower I went to grab Aj but my stopped me "sit" I sat down looking at her "Baby I love you with all my heart and I respect your decision but this isn't the time for you to be backing away from Alex. This the time for you two to be closer then ever before. Both of you being on a different wave David will win. But both of you together no one can break you." She said.

"I'm taking my grand baby we are going downstairs to eat and then watch sponge-bob I love you" I sat there and thought about what she said. There was knock at the door and Alex walked in he sat on side of me I stood up to walk out but he grab my arms.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked I don't like feeling weak. Never did but I also never had anyone but my mom I can depend on for strength. Looking at him for a little bit a tear drop out my eyes and I find myself throughly myself at him.

Kissing him I feel him pulled me closer and all my worries and stress melting away. "Does this mean I have my girlfriend back" he said I rolled my eyes he's so awkward I laughed at him.

Laying in him "what are going to do baby?" I asked him he's rubbing my back.  "Where gonna find him" he said I have a idea but he's going to hate it.

"What if we give him what he wants?"  I asked him "what?" He asked sitting up because I know this going to be hard. "Give him what he wants give him me" I said looking into his eyes.

David Thoughts

They think they can find me they think they can take what's rightfully mines. I will have Tiffany back and when I do no one will be able to take her back from me.

She's not going to have a choice either me or I kill the little mistake. How dare she gets pregnant for someone else. When I get her back I'll make sure she's carrying my child I'll take care of her and love. Then she'll see all this what I'm doing is for us.

Soon princess We'll be together soon.

🛑Its a short chapter but it's here. Once again I love you all and very much appreciate the time you all take to read my books. 🛑

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