Slayers Epilogue: Part 3

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Mirajanes POV

I wake up and go shower where laxus comes in and helps me shower alongside other things. I then get dressed and drink some coffee before waking up Nova. "Hey sweetie, It's time to wake up" She stirs and wakes up yawning "Oh hi mommy" "It's time to get ready for the day" she gets ready still somewhat half asleep and I leave her room and start making breakfast some fun Waffles with syrup and butter. Nova comes down and sits down at the table "Should I go get your father nova?" She shakes her head "No I'll get him myself"

Laxuses POV

I was working out when nova comes in "Hm? Is breakfast ready nova?" "Yep mom is waiting for us" I nod and finish up going to the kitchen "Hey babe whatcha got for us today?" She smiles and gives me some sausages with my waffles "Mmmmmm  this is some yummy food" we eat and once we're done we go to the guild hall and meet up with Kinana "Ooookay let's begin the day!!"

Romeo's POV

Me and Wendy were finishing up a mission when we get called by Carla "Hm? Hey Carla how's the baby?" "she's fine though her magic is starting to manifest with her trying to burn me. Please just get back soon she's getting cranky" we giggle " I'm sorry we're almost done just try to last another day atleast" Carla sighs "okay just hurry back" We take a carriage back, Wendy laying on my lap motion sick me rubbing her head "Hehe its so funny how you can destroy entire low level guilds by yourself but once you ride on a non-living being you keel over sick" I get punched in the gut but keep chuckling.

We arrive home the next day after resting at an inn the previous night "Hey Carla were home!!" Carla is rocking the baby "Oh hey your back I can finally get some decent rest" Wendy nervously giggles "Yeah babies do that I'm sorry Carla" she grabs our baby and Carla turns back into her cat form and passes out I stroke her head smiling as Wendy rocks her. "Well time to stay home and let Carla recover from our mission" Wendy nods and sits down on another chair "Well I'm going to take a shower see ya in a bit" I kiss Wendy and leave to shower.

Chelias POV

I was talking with a manager about a sky sister tour and how it would work "So you would let us bring our children & husband's with us and pay for both of our food?" She nods "Yep! you, Wendy and your families will be paid to go around the world performing!!" I smile "Good cause children need to be with their mothers when really young so that's good, so I think that's everything. Right?" The manager nods "Mhm, Seems like we got the times, locations & some personal demands all set up and ready for the Tour!!" I then get up thank the manager for her great service and leave for home.

I arrive at home and open the door "Eve, I'm home" I put my stuff away and go to the living room and see my cousin rocking Tania "Hm? Oh hey Sherry how are you?" She smiles "Looovely!! Me & Ren wanted to visit our Niece. Eve seemed tired so Ren is making food for us all to eat. BUT enough about me how was your meeting?" I smile "Great, I can take Tania & Eve with us while we tour the world as the Sky sisters" Sherry smiles "Good, now go say hi to Eve I'm sure you two need some alone time" I nod going to the Master bedroom seeing Eve fast asleep "So cute!!" I sit next to him petting his head "You're such a good dad" I kiss his forehead smiling

Narrator POV

"The mating season. A Sacred & ancient phenomenon that no slayer can overcome, though some may never experience one this was one of the rarest kinds. A time where all 3 Slayers go into heat at the exact same time, But thankfully aslong as people let their rampant feelings stay in check then no one shall be hurt"

Cut to Dimetria sleeping around a pile of men & woman who are almost dead. "Well, that is it their feelings have a target......" The narrator then tries to push down something labeled 'Orga Epilogue' "Heheh, nothing to see here, just go. Read the other Fairy tail books this author has. We don't need to see this wierd ending" you get shooed away

Authors Side notes: That is the end of Mating season. It took awhile to get all of this done. With no help from my Erratic mind & procrastination.....But it's done & I thank you all for making this my highest viewed & liked series. I'll see you in my other series. GO READ THEM!!!

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