the Demons lover

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Mirajanes POV

I was walking around town with laxus hugging his arm "I always had a crush on you I was just....I dont know I was shy? Afraid? What I'm saying is I'm glad this happened" he just smiles and giggles "never took the big bad demon of fairy tail for someone so shy" he pinches my cheek making me pout "you're almost the same as normal laxus...why?" He just shrugs "I have no idea maybe its cause you took initiative first"

I just giggle and we go to a restaurant and eat some food "so were a couple? That's fun" he giggles "it's closer to being engaged even for those two little ones" I just blush m-mirajane dreyar that has a nice ring to it. I then smile and nod "well I guess I have your family problems now laxus" he blushes and giggles nervously "yah my family has problems with my dad being evil, my grandpa is the master and my great grandma got killed by a curse from the first master"

"The only issues we had were my takeover magic and the whole edolas thing" he nods "well I'm done, where does my lovely bride want to go?" I blush h-he just called his bride Aaaah this is perfect "hmmmmm I don't know wanna just walk around?" He nods and we pay for the meal and leave

we walk around the town when some guys walk out of the bar and walk to us "hehehe hey pretty *hiccup* lady wanna come with*hiccup*  us were a lot more *hiccup* fun den this scowler" laxus is glaring and growling at them "hehehe that's a nice *hiccup* dog impression how about you *hiccup*  get on your hands and *hiccup* knees and try to bite *hiccup* us"

I walk up to them smiling "hehehe good *hiccup* girl" when one of them try to pat my head I grab there hand and twist it making him scream "you, your *hiccup* a demon!" I smile and nod "yes I am now run along before I break more than just a hand" I'm smiling darkly at the drunken men and they nod and run away "now those are what I call drunken assholes" laxus then bursts out laughing

"Oh oh wow did not expect you to break one of their hands, that was amazing just like you" I smile and hug laxus who hugs back "your not a dog your my fearsome dragon, now lets go home" he nods and we go home holding hands

Authors side notes: welcome back to the revamped mating season. I'll be featuring Orga and Chelia in the next two chapters. Chelia will be first then Orga will be second then I'll go through the people I have already done a few times. Anyways I'll see yall next time

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