The Explanation

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Makarovs POV

I looked at the sight before my eyes it was strange and interesting "why are they being so lovey dovey especially natsu it's not like him to be like that it's completely unlike him" I was worried for my children "I think I know what's happening"

I heard a very familiar voice "ah first master you surprised me and you said you know what's happening? Please inform me" I said intrigued by what is happening to the slayers "it's probably  just the slayer mating season" I looked at her with wide eyes "MATING SEASON?" I said shocked but then I notice everyone is staring at me then a cough and walks to my office saying "come into my office first master and we'll continue" I say regaining my composure. she follows and continues

"I encountered it around 50 years ago all you need to do is let them mark and mate with whoever they choose to mark, which is shown by them clinging to the mate and depending on their personality being more flirty" I sigh as she finishes with giving me one warning "and if you ever try to get someone to get with their mate or stop them from mating they will no matter how weak they are achieve they're ultimate form and hunt down their mate and take them by force"

I have rarely seen first master this serious so I nodded and asked "um first master is wendy going to also mate like the others" she sighs "shes 16 right?" I nod and she nods and I shake my head "macaos going to have a field day with me" I say annoyed i then go talk to the guild "OK FAIRY TAIL MEETING TIME EVERYONE LISTEN UP"

I take in a deep breath and tell everyone to not talk in a flirty manner to lucy, levy, mira, kinana or romeo cause we dont want a the dragon slayers angry right now "Sure imma go chill at quatro Cerberus they're alcohol is better anyways just get me when this is over" cana says leaving the guild hall alittle tipsy but before she leaves I hear Lucy say in a condescending manner "have fun with those "drinking contests" you have with bacchus" I hear Cana fake laugh as she closes the guild hall doors.

Authors side notes: that was the explanation now next chapter will be nalu. Anyways more trivia this fanfic take place like 4 or 5 years after fairy tail ends so like X796 or X797 so makarovs like around 93 or something and bacchus and cana are technically a couple and so are a few others like elfman and elfgreen and bickslow and lisanna. These ships are just my personal opinion like any shipper well that was the side notes see ya next chapter.

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