The Light in The Darkness

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Kaguras POV

I was in my room in the house I share with milliana when I see something out of the corner of my eye and since  I'm in my underwear I grab Archenemy "Who's there?" I'm in a fighting stance looking around when suddenly someone take archenemy "what? Grrrr who the hell is here I'll crush you" I then feel someone cover my mouth with one arm and hold me with their other "shhhhh it's ok my dear it's only me I tried resisting but I just couldn't resist my instincts I just gotta have you for myself" I turn redder as they remove their hand from my mouth "who are you, you sound male" he giggles and puts his head on my shoulder

"it's me rogue your my mate apparently I just couldn't resist coming to you" I elbow him in the gut making him let go then I take back archenemy and hit him on the head with it knocking him out i then get dressed and drag him to the living room throwing him onto the couch "Meow A man? Why is he here kagura?" I look at milliana "it's one of the twin dragons i dont know why but he says I'm his mate can you watch over him, better yet tie him up your magic it should restrain him and his magic" milliana nods and binds the passed out rogue.

I go back to my room and contact erza using a communication lacrima "erza can you hear me?" "Yes kagura what's the matter?" I tell her what happened "oh well then that's interesting, but the same kind of thing has happened here master said its slayer mating season and that we should just let them mate or well get hurt" I then hear milliana meow for help "let me guess you had milliana tie rogue up?" I nod and she sighs "just let him bite you and dont resist and milliana will be fine" I sigh then groan "fine thanks...Sis" I hang up blushing then go downstairs and yell "rogue I'll go with you just dont hurt milliana" I see dragon force rogue choking milliana he smiles and turns it off

We then go to my room and sit on my bed "so kagura where do you want your mark" I think about it "my right arm, anywheres fine" he pulls up my sleeve and bites right above my elbow and leaves and sword surround by shadows and I pull my sleeve down "so whats next?" he kisses me on the lips making me turn red "wh-wh-what was that for?" He smiles and lays on my bed and before he falls asleep says "in 2 days or less well mate and well be done" I nod and go to shower sighing

Authors Side Notes: That was the Rogura chapter btw Shelias mate is Eve from blue pegasus but she has more control over it then the other slayers and Orgas Mate is a Sabertooth member but they're stopping him from sensing where she is so he can't go on any jobs which is torture. Anyways see yall next chapter

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