Beelzebub, Keeper of Hellhounds

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"Well, what have we here," boomed a deep, chocolatey voice.

I looked behind me and saw a man with ash gray skin, black hair, and black armor.

I looked behind me and saw a man with ash gray skin, black hair, and black armor

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(Ignore the owl)
(Not my pic)

"W-w-who are you," I managed to stutter out.

"My name is Lord Beelzebub, keeper of the hellhounds."

"W-w-what do you want with me."

"Well," he said, " To put it simply, I need a break from the hellhounds. I love them, but they are so tiring, especially the pups. I am literally a demon lord with almost infinite stamina, and they still manage to tire me out! It's practically impossible!"

"So you want me to do your job for you." I stated, having calmed down a little.

"No. I want you to lighten the load. You can tend to a portion of the hellhounds, and I can take care of the rest."

"What's in it for me?" I asked bluntly.

"One, a personal army of hellhounds. Two, I will give back your life on earth, with the abilities of a alpha hellhound. A "quirk" as you humans call it. But you must go through rigorous training to earn it, for about............4,000 years or so."

"4,000 years!"

"Calm down, 1 year here is a hour in your world. So, will  you take my offer?"

I hesitated for a moment, then accepted.

Years 1-1,000

Beelzebub trained my body and mind for these years. I can now break a foot of tungsten without breaking a sweat.

Years 1,001-2,000

My original form changed during these years. My hair, skin, and sclera all have turned black, as well as my irises now being red-orange with yellow rings. My human ears just fell off, and I, for lack of a better word, sprouted hellhound ears and a tail. My canine teeth have grown into full-blown fangs, and my fingernails have turned into small claws. I've also learned to create and control hellfire, as well as summon hellhounds.

 I've also learned to create and control hellfire, as well as summon hellhounds

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(His new default form)
(Pic not mine)

Years 2,001-3,000

In these years I learned how to use my hybrid form. I also now have extreme regenerative abilities. I can now curse people with many different curses, and apply a mark to their bodies, the mark of the hounds. It means that when they die, no matter how they've repented, they will be sent to hell when they die and forever be chased and eaten by hellhounds. For a toned downed version of a curse, I can just make them unlucky for a certain amount of time. My senses have improved, and I can smell, see, hear and see in the dark.

 My senses have improved, and I can smell, see, hear and see in the dark

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(Pic not mine) (Ignore the fire mark.)

Years 3,001-4,000

I have finished my training in hell. I have learned to use my full hellhound form. I've also learned control over lighting and the earth, as well as creating and controlling molten lava.

 I've also learned control over lighting and the earth, as well as creating and controlling molten lava

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(Full hellhound form) (pic not mine)

"Izuku," Beelzebub called. " Come here."

"Yes Da-Sir. What is it?"

"You have completed your training. Before you leave for Earth, I want to give you something to remember this place by."

"Besides a personal army and unimaginable power?" I asked.

"Yes, besides those," he chuckled.

He went to the space he had found me in. There I found a small wriggling hellhound pup.

 There I found a small wriggling hellhound pup

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(Yes, I included my dog in a wattpad story. Got a problem?🙃)

(Imagine her white fur red and with tiny horns)

I managed not to melt over the pup.
"She is a fine hound sir. What is her name?"

*Izuku's mind*

Awwwwwwwww, she's so cute!  I didn't realize how much I needed her until I got her! 

*Escape brought to you by chibi baby hellhound*

"Well, as she's a gift to you, you can name her So-Izuku," Beelzebub said.

"I shall call her........... Kaya." (Kai-uh)

"A fine name indeed."

"Well, goodbye .................Dad."

Beelzebub looked extremely happy.
"Goodbye...... Son."

We hugged, then Kaya and I departed into the world that was more hellish than actual hell.

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