Day 1 Of U.A.

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Well, it was the first day of U.A., and I was very excited. I mean, I had just gotten into the top hero school in the country! Who wouldn't be excited?

I wandered through the halls for a few minutes until I found class 1-A, and as I walked in, I got bombarded by three guys.

The tallest one had a soft baby face and very spiky red hair. The one in the middle had orange-yellow hair with a black zigzag on his left side. The shortest had a black bird head and a red choker.

The tall one started talking quickly.

"Hey, man! You're the guy who kicked the head off the zero pointer! So manly!"

The middle one jumped into the conversation.

"Yeah, didn't you melt the asphalt underneath it? That was epic!"

"Yes, it was an absolute mad banquet of darkness," added the bird person.

"I'm keeping all of you," I said in a monotone voice.

"Wait, what?" Said the taller one, "what did you say?"

I picked up all three of them by the back of their jackets,(remember Izuku is like 6'10), "You heard me, I'm keeping you. I can tell from the way you talk that you are all chaotic idiots, so I'm keeping you."

"So, you're the mom friend?" questioned the middle one. "I'm okay with that, you seem like a cool dude. What's your name?

"Izuku Heruhaundo."

"Ejiro Kirishima."

"Denki Kaminari."

"Tokoyami Fumikage."

"U-u-umm, e-e-excuse m-me, but w-what a-are you d-doing?"

I turned around to see a timid looking guy with a rocky head.

I picked him up by the back of his jacket as well. "Same thing I'm doing to you, keeping them."


"These three because they're chaotic idiots, you because you clearly need some self-confidence."

"Bro, there's no escape from his friendship, might as well go with the flow. Plus, it could be worse," said Kaminari.


"He could be throwing us out of the window. Anyway, my names Denki Kaminari. The redhead here is Ejiro Kirishima, the bird is Tokoyami Fumikage, and The big dog is Izuku Heruhaundo. What's your name?"

"K-koji K-koda."

I put them all down and pass Kaya to Tokoyami.

"Here, hold Kaya for me, I've got something to do."

"What exactly is this creature?" He questioned.

"A hellhound."

He handled her like a nuclear weapon after I said that.

I picked up a sleeping man in an eye searing yellow sleeping bag from behind the teachers desk and yelled,

"Wake up!"

He started awake with bleary eyes and a tic in his forehead.

"Who woke me up?" He said in a dangerously calm voice.

"I did." I replied.


"You have a class to teach Mr. Aizawa. And while the principal is very lax with the teachers teaching methods, sleeping through your own classes tends to get you fired."

The Demonic Hero:  Hellhound (Izumina) (MHA  Monsterous Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now