The Hunt

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I was sitting in class. Aizawa was explaining that the Sports Festival was in a an hour.

He had us all get in some last minute training. I saw Denki attempting to direct his lightning, Eijiro trying to harden his fingertips only, and Mina getting her acid so powerful she got through glass.

I personally worked on my Earth and Lightning control. With Earth I worked on precision by making statues, and with Lightning I tried shaping the lightning, mainly to wrap around me.

I saw varied success. I managed to make a hellhound statue so detailed you could see and feel the individual hairs. The best I could do with the lightning was make a sort of electrified field around me. Definitely a possible area of affect move.

Class 1-B started to pass by our area, an blonde-haired, gray-eyed guy started talking. I also noticed a metallic scent that burned my nose slightly. It was familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"So this is the mighty 1-A! Training hard, hmmmmm? Well you'll never be as good as us, so you might as well not bother!"

"And what makes you so sure?" I questioned.

"You want proof? M'kay. Take Komori here. She can sprout any type of mushroom, anywhere! All over your body, in your lungs, in any vital organ connected to an outside opening! How's that?"

"Wonderful quirk, many uses. Offense, culinary, defense is slightly lacking, but there are definitely ways to counteract that. Overall, great example."

He looked dumbstruck.


"I said it was an amazing example."


"Are you okay?"

An redheaded girl walked up and started dragging him away.

"Sorry about him." She said. "I think you broke his brain. I'll figure out a way to restart him."


The time had come for the sports festival. We all gathered around a podium where a familiar face was standing. Midnight. Crap, crap, crap. I kept my head low and tried to hide my face. I couldn't risk her recognizing me.

"Hello UA students! Welcome to this year's sports festival! Now, as a quick reminder, we will not be having a student speech due to the... choice words of the last speaker."

She quickly explained the obstacle course, the group cavalry, and the combat tournament. I also noticed that metallic burning smell again.

We started the obstacle course, and it was honestly a piece of cake. They threw three 0-pointers at us, but I just clawed my way through. One fell on a kid, but I saw him turn to metal before it hit, so he was probably fine.

I blitzed through the rest of the course pretty easily. I was fairly obviously first, with Izumi being second and Bakugo third.

Next was the group cavalry. Midnight explained that the higher your place on the obstacle course, the more points you're worth in the group cavalry. So I had basically ensured I was going to be targeted.

More points for me.

I had basically assumed no one was going to team with me because I was such a high profile target and had adjusted my plan accordingly, but I was wrong.

Because then along came my wonderful, considerate, and loyal friends, completely destroying my plans at the last minute.

"So Izuku, how are we gonna do this?"  Eijiro asked.

"Guys," I began, " I'm touched you would join up with me, especially after the explanation I gave you, but please don't.  Not only am I a walking liability, my powers aren't well oriented to close proximity with others. If we teamed up, I would be unable to use my speed, strength, magma, or fire without harming everyone else. My best bet is to not join anyone, and play solo. It's believable that nobody would want to team up with me."

"Oh, okay bro. See you, I guess."

Once the cavalry had started, I was the main target of most teams. I pretty much just had to avoid them to win, nab a few bandanna's myself, and I'm good. That burning smell persisted though, but it seemed confined to the arena, so I figured I would track it. I focused on 1-B students, as the smell appeared the last time when they walked past. 

I started a good formula. I basically ran up to groups, tripped them up, and while they were disoriented, did a quick investigation. I was starting to get close. 

Then, I was finally there. My nose was on fire. I tripped up the group, and I found it on a girl with plant hair. A cross, made from holy silver. Extremely rare, usually something only a leader of a religious organization would own. And when I twisted it, burning my hands in the process, It revealed a small dagger.

It was time to get some answers.

Soooo, I kinda dropped off the face of the earth there for a hot minute, huh? I'm going to be honest, I just kind of lost interest in this story. But, I figured I owed it to the readers to at least finish what I started.

I hope to see you again soon, my dragon pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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The Demonic Hero:  Hellhound (Izumina) (MHA  Monsterous Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now