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Right, I'm going to be answering questions some people have asked me.

Q: how old are you

A: I'm only saying that I'm going into 8th grade next year

Q:what state do you live in

A: Pennsylvania

Q:Who's your favorite MHA character

A: Tokoyami currently

Q: What's your favorite MHA ship

A: I'm a big fan of izumina, izujiro, and I rather like the koda x ochaco I thought of. I think I'll call it Kochako.

Q: Is the character just introduced in the last chapter based off Moxie from Helluva Boss?

A: Just in name.

Now for some questions for the characters.

To Ray and Whitney

Q: What was, "the mall incident?"

Whitney: So, when Ray and I were dating, a guy started flirting with me at the mall. Ray asked him to stop, but he said he was much better for me. So Ray beat him to a pulp. It was kind of hot actually.

Ray:  *blushing a deep maroon*

Q: What are your quirks

Ray: Acid, but weaker than my darling daughter's.

Whitney: I'm quirkless, but I inherited my father's............. interesting appearance.

To Izumi

Q: Why did you beat up your own brother you f****** b****

A:  Because that Deku thought a quirkless person could be a hero. I had to prove him wrong! It was a matter of pride!

Me: *parting the clouds and levitating down* You, are definitely going to hell.

Izumi: Oh, really! Well, I can destroy you in a fight!

Me: *makes lightning strike the raging b**** and starts receding into th clouds* Don't test me b****

To Izuku

Q: Do the earrings and necklace do anything special?

A: Not as far as I know.

Q: How long have you had a crush on Mina?

A: Maybe a month?

Q: Do you have any animalistic tendencies from the hellhound powers?

A: Not really. I sometimes want to chew on a sinner's bone but that's about it.

Q: How do you plan on confessing to Mina?

A: I'm figuring it out with Tokoyami.

To Mina

Q:How long have you had a crush on Izuku?

A: Around...... two months.

Q: Are you an alien?

A: No

Q: Can you break dance?

A:Yes, actually!

T-t-t-that's all folks! Enjoy the rest of your day guys, gals, and non-binary pals! And see you later my dragon pack!

The Demonic Hero:  Hellhound (Izumina) (MHA  Monsterous Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now