So I was tagged by cheshirecat9 and now I'm doing this thing. I nominate creepypastaobessed21 happylittleweirdo and chiacobain (I typed a letter and chose the first name that popped up.)
Okay, let's go1. Bands are my life
2. I play viola (if you say it's a violin I will end you)
3. I like to draw
4.i like to write(obviously)
5. I love to do things that involve tools of any kind.
6. I'm in a shop/industrial tech class
7. I'm third chair in my orchestra
8. My favourite colour is probably grey
9. I want to get tattoos when I'm older
10. I do special effects makeup
11. I want to be a makeup artist
12. I have 3 cats, 2fish and a snake
13. I play softball and basketball
14. I'm in 4h
15. My birthday is April 9
16. There was a time when I could fluently read treble clef
17. I'm a bit scatter minded and a dreamer. Idk my mind is a mess
18. My favourite thing in a classical orchestra piece is the one where a cannon was fired like sixteen times
19. I'm good at math
20. I have braces
Late Night Thoughts and Other Things
Random20 facts about me b/c I was tagged. Now featuring: The occasional short story, rants, and deep thoughts. Enjoy.