Hello. I'm having an existential crisis right now. basically I've been pondering the universe for several hours and now I have come to a few conclusions for now.
1) every planet is an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom. The galaxy is the atom and the center is the nucleus. Now since we have infinite galaxies that means infinite atoms. That means molecules. That means some sort of structure. The universe is just a molecule or cell in some grand design. If string theory is true this means infinite molecules/cells. I hope we're part of a flower.
11) Isn't it odd how all nearly 8 billion of us are alive at one time in history. All merely by chance. Each one of did happen but we might not of happened. And we all have such a massive effect on the world without ever knowing it. Maybe someone's soul mate just died. Maybe someone just met their soul mate. A baby was born and people died. So much happened within one breath and it's crazy. It's like a pure coincidence that everything is exactly how it is right now and not different. It's crazy.
111) 12 AM comes before 11 AM. Seahorses don't have stomachs or teeth. Soap doesn't actually clean your hands. It just makes the water molecules smaller so the water can get into deeper crevices in your skin.
VI) I'm fucking tired.
Late Night Thoughts and Other Things
Ngẫu nhiên20 facts about me b/c I was tagged. Now featuring: The occasional short story, rants, and deep thoughts. Enjoy.