Right so ever since SCOTUS has voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage, I've heard people saying that homophobia is over. News flash: It's not. let me tell you why.
•some states literally almost made it so no one could get married.
•one lady gained national attention for refusing to marry gay people.
•people get killed and beat up everyday for being LGBT+
•lgbt+ people are told to """"keep it in the bedroom"""" when straight people literally have each other's hands up shirts or down pants in public.
•the very little representation we get in media is stereotypes
•My significant other and I get stared at all the time for holding hands or hugging or just generally touching each other even though there have been straight people making out in hallways.
•teachers have told a friend of mine who was dating a girl that "two girls together is wrong." and that "it's inappropriate for school" as straight couples walked by holding hands.
•we have to suffer through things like the bans in Indiana
•we get called slurs all the time
•people use gay as a swear word and synonym for shitty.
•children are taught that LGBT+ people are gross and unnatural and to treat us differently
•people fetishize our sexualities and it's disgusting
•the same dude bros who jack off to lesbian porn vote against gay rights
•the same fangirls that ship gay ships think being gay is wrong
•we get told our sexuality is a choice
•We're put under pressure to come out
•once we come out everyone treats you differently
•kids are taught that being gay and talking about gay things is something you do in whispers and in secret, like it's forbidden
•we have to fight for our fucking rights even though apparently all men are created equal.
•seriously it's 2k16 why are we still arguing about who gets rights
•there's debates about anything involving us, from marriage to military to even fucking shopping
•classes where there's talk of lgbt+ rights always act like there's no LGBT+ people in the class
•we have to hide who we are sometimes to get a job
•we get told we're going to hell because we aren't straight
•we get disgusted looks and rude comments by people who see us holding hands or kissing or anything
There's so much more I could probably add but I'll leave it at this. I'm just so fed up that my wonderful datemate and I get stared at all the time because we hold hands. People look at us like we just punched the pope in the face and set all of America on fire. it's so stupid that we're treated different. I'm just mad.
Late Night Thoughts and Other Things
Ngẫu nhiên20 facts about me b/c I was tagged. Now featuring: The occasional short story, rants, and deep thoughts. Enjoy.