A 10:23PM realization

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I'm sure you've heard of some sort of multiverse theory. If not, its basically theories that there are infinite universes that are all different from one another. Anyway, a few moments ago, I realized some things.
A) there are nearly 8 billion people on Earth. Each one has a mind of their own with their own thoughts and ideas and imaginary worlds.

B) I'll never know what happens in all 8 billion minds.

C) Because of A and B, that means that the multiverse theories are true to an extent because each person is their own unique universe that no one else will know entirely. In so many of those universes, Almost every other person on Earth doesn't exist except for a small group of people that the person has a relationship with.

D) If C is true, then that means that in the universe ,referring to outer space, there are infinite universes within one universe. Because if our universe is infinite then that means there are countless planets with intelligent life on them. If each sentient being has a mind then that makes a universe.

E) And if there's more than one universe, referring to outer space, then that means that in each new universe there are infinite universes inside that one and so on and so forth. So really, our universe is so complex that there are universes within it.

I need sleep.

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