Words are Complicated.

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"R-really!" I had to take a minute for what she had said to register in my head. She wanted to be saved. By me... It was seral. And naturally, in that sate of shock and from my emotions being on full throttle. I had dashed to give her a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" To say she was shocked at my sudden actions would be an understatement. Her eyes shot open showing all of the tears spewing out from them. Though too tired to resist she hugged back and continued to cry, just as I had been. After what was indefinitely too long, I had come back to my general senses and released the hug. This time with less tears and a blush.

"Ah! I-i'm s-sorry I haven't introduced myself! My name is Izuku Midoriya. A-a-and... I-I-i'm q-quirkless!" I had spat out of my mouth, it was probably risky to throw in the fact that I'm quirkless, but my head was still al jumbled up. I just hope that she would still want me to help her. Wait how do I help her? Wait wait wait wait wa-

"I-i'm Ahmya Igarashi!" She said there were still tears in her eyes but it seems that the dams were no longer flooding. "My... My... My quirk is called V-void... It creates this black space where-where-where n-nothing e-ever comes back out of..." It seemed so simple, her quirk was literally called Void, that would definitely explain what happened to those kids she... killed....Suddenly her eyes burst back into tears as her face turned back to one full of fear. "Please! D-d-don't leave! No ones ever wanted to help me before! So please! P-please don't fear me! Everyone I've ever looked to has rejected me! SO PLEASE! PLEASE! please..." She let out, filled with sobs.

And as I've started to pick up on now, I act quite boldly whenever my heads all jumbled up. So I once again move without thinking and pull her back into another hug. This time I held onto her tightly making sure she wouldn't let go. "I-I-I won't run away from you! I said I'd help you! And I plan to keep that promise!" After what had felt like hours she returned the hug and started to calm down. It was now that I actually got to she what she looked like. She had a head of brown hair with little bits of black right at the roots. Wearing a simple sundress with a rose-like pattern on it, thigh highs and pink shoes.

"I-i'm sorry!" She said as she quickly raised her head from my chest and look me in the eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. And to be honest I never really believed it till now. Her eyes were a deep green that had lacked any shine, all that was there was the gloss from her tears. But within those eyes, was a girl who shackled by the people of the world who feared her for something she couldn't control.

"No, don't be! Please... just tell me. What happened... With those kids from...earlier." She froze. "I-I-I d-d-didn't mean t-t-to hurt them! I... I didn't want to k-k-kill them! I-I panicked! I can't control my q-q-quirk very well a-and I-I-I g-got scared and panicked! I-I-I didn't mean it!"

"I-It's ok! I know, I know! Who were they? Why did they even come after you in the first place?"

"T-t-they w-were f-f-from my school... They've hated me ever sense they knew me, a-a-and" She couldn't finish her sentence as she had burst into tears and collapsed back on-top of me. "It's ok... I am here. Just. Let it all out. You'll feel better if you do."

After a few short minutes of her crying, I get a notification on my phone. Silently pulling it out as to not disturb the emotionally unstable teenager crying into my chest, I see it's a text from my mom saying that dinners almost ready and that I should get heading home soon. Trying to find a work around to this situation, I get an idea. "Hey. My mom's almost done cooking dinner. Would you like to come over and have some?"

She looks up at me in with widened eyes. "N-no I-I-I couldn't! I-I-I'd just be a-an intrusion! I can't!" "Hey, don't worry about that. My mom's probably one of the nicest people I've ever met! You won't be an intrusion at all! Ah... Though you'd probably haft to talk to you're parent's..."

"NO!.... Um.. I mean no. It'll be fine. My dad wouldn't care if I came home or not anymore. It's fine."

"I see. So he's apart of it too then... I guess I really was lucky to still have one good parent around to help me out. I'm sorry that must suck."

"No... It's fine. He tried for as long as he could..."

"What do you mean?"

"He... He was a really good man. But then on my fourth birthday... I-I-I... I killed my mother on accident. I had just gotten my quirk, I had no idea what was even happening. And before I knew it she was gone. And my dad... He took it really hard. He really was a good man. But... a few years ago he started to lose it. He became an alcoholic, and when he's drunk he doesn't hold back what he says, and what he does..."

"God I'm sorry... That must have been rough. When I turned four I had yet to manifest a quirk so my father had assumed I was a late bloomer, and when I turned 5 my mom took me to get a quirk test done. Turns out I was apart of the 2% of the next gen to not have a quirk. As soon as I told my friends they all turned on me. Called me names, beat me, It's been going on all throughout middle school too. The teachers don't do a damn thing about it because they all want to be hero's and giving them a bad mark would just ruin there chances. And when my dad found out he took a job overseas. And I haven't heard from him sense."

"I'm sorry..."

"Like I said don't be! Right now I'm the least of my concerns. Let's go. Mom would get mad at me if I'm late for dinner, though she'd probably understand If I said I was helping someone with some bullies right?"


*Yawn* Sleepy. Ahem! Anyways yeah hope you liked the chapter! And real quick -
Name - Ahmya Igarashi
Quirk - Void, let's the user create a hole in space and time. It's a space where nothing can leave once it's within it. Whenever it's active the space that the quirk occupies lacks any color only showing a pure black area the quirk is used. Most of the time the quirk will take shape in a sphere. Though it can change shape with some if the user tries hard enough. Whenever something is within the void the user can still fell it. Like it becomes apart of then, though it's only a feeling and whatever is within the void doesn't actually become part of her. (For anyone not catching on she can feel her mother within her, sense she accidentally used void on her.) The user is the only thing allowed to ever exist within the void, so whenever the user is within the void it acts as a liquid like sub-space where there is no gravity. Whenever the quirk is in use the users eyes and hair turn pure black as well and act as parts of the void itself. The only real drawback is it's lethality and the potential emotional stain it can put on it's user.

Appearance - She is about 4 foot 10 (147cm) and weights about 116 pounds (52kg). She naturally has brown hair with black roots, and green eyes. Although both of these change to pure black upon quirk activation. She had pail white skin, with freckles on both her ands going up to her elbows and several little ones on her left cheek.

*blueg* there ya go! A bunch of Oc info for ya right there! So yeah I hope Ahmya-Chan is to some of you're likings. Because I can tell you one thing. She ain't leave'n. And as an fyi there are going to be a lot more Oc's in this story. Pretty much only 2 know characters besides Midoriya are going to be apart of the Ace of Spades. And I plan to have like 50 members within the Ace of Spades before shit starts to go down. Though on another note. I really want to have an Oc that joins the Ace of Spades be a black guy whos be subjected to heavy racisms. But me. Being a skinny ass white kid. Doesn't want to overstep my bounds. So it has me kind of stuck. It's not going to be for a long time till the guy would even join into the Ace of Spades, so I do have time. But yeah, if anyone is able to help me about that I'd be greatly appreciated. ANYWAYS! just keep in mind...
The Future is Now So...
Don't Kill Yourself~ (Really Don't)

And I'll see ya'll in a week or so. Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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