3• The Recent Me

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In the quietest part of a starry night,
I hover between dark and light,
Wondering if I can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams.

The table-lamp keeps on flickering,
And the timepiece continues ticking,
When I wish to visit my fantasy,
But I can't even if I feel clumsy.

With heavy hopes in chest,
That may the morning be the best,
I start my day with a broad smile and a cheerful mind.
And with time, I find peace or that of a kind.

Drastic change in daily habits,
Perhaps in a need of a stout edit,
Unsung books amuse the most,
Be it of an angel or of a ghost.

Favourite dish kept on the table,
And me still engrossed in the fable,
And mood becomes too uncertain,
Just like weather changes fairly often.

Its evening and me sitting by the window,
Staring at the purple-peaked mountains behind the green meadow,
Enjoying the friendly cool breeze,
With faith on fate, that it won't let my heart freeze.

With the advent of the same luminous night,
I again grew pensive and with myself, impolite,
I really think my days are in need of emendation,
To prevent any further lamentation.


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