🍁🍁Chapter 18🍁🍁

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Hey everyone!!!!

Don't miss the Author's Note at the end because I'm planning to discontinue the book so please read.

(Last Chapter 17 highlights.)

"This saying everything at the same time. It can be creepy sometimes." Riya said.

"Ok." Again they said at the same time.

At this all began to laugh.

Leaving one person obviously our Ryan who was lost in Riya.

Looking at her as she was also laughing along with everyone.

Third Person's POV.

After they had a hearty laugh. All became silent.

Riya continued to eat her chocolates after laughing without any care of the world.

But one person was there, still staring continuing at Riya.

Which was now noticed by all, before anyone could say anything or do anything Ronit got angry with his continues stare on Riya and shouted

"Stop staring at Our Princess."

That broke his staring session as well as trance in which he was there and he looked towards Ronit and said.

"I'm not staring at YOUR Princess."

"Then what were you doing just now. Playing drums. We all saw it, stupid." Ronit retorted sarcastically.

"Bhai you were staring at her admit it we all saw it." Xavier said.

"Ok I admit it, but I was staring at MY Friend." Ryan said arrogantly.

"You are not my Friend. We just know eachother." Riya said still busy eating her chocolates not even looking at them.

After hearing this Ryan's face fell and Ronit smirked at him.

"Princess, eat this chocolate afterwards since it's lunch time." Rajesh said.

"But, Grandpa what if someone ends up eating my chocolate in my absence." Riya said.

"Baby, no one will eat. Come we'll have lunch after that you can eat them." Ronit said.

"Yes, sweetheart. Ronit is right." Raj supported Ronit.

"But.." Riya was about to say but before that Ronit proposed

"How about this, we order lunch and have it in this office itself?"

Riya thought for sometime and said

"Ok. But, Bhai before that go and keep both the baskets above...."

Riya stopped and looked around the office.

"Ryan?" Riya called.

"Yes, Riya." Ryan said happily.

"Go and stand by that shelf." Riya said pointing at a very tall shelf.

"Why?" Ryan asked her confusingly.

"Just go and stand don't ask questions." Riya said.

By now all were confused but didn't asked anything and were silently watching the seen unfolding.

Ryan went and stood infront of the shelf with a confused expression.

Seeing him stood there Riya stared at him for a good minute and then turned to Ronit and said

"Bhai keep this baskets on top of that shelf."

"Riya, I didn't understood. If you wanted to keep this baskets on top of that shelf them why did you made Ryan to stand there?" Ashok asked with a confused expression.

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