Chapter 5: Advancing

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Later the falling night, Stephen got to work as he began to give himself a makeover. Carefully snipping away his long curly hair and shaving off his beard. His hair became short as his beard was reduced to a Goe-T.

He took a long look at himself, seeing that he did well for himself, and pulls the towel off his shoulder, after getting dressed, he walks through the dark halls of the middle of the night.

Then stood in front of Astra room, he raised his shaking hand and knocks on her door, it wasn't long as the door was open and there she stood, "Stephen..." she said in surprise as he looks down at her, "What are you doing here, in the middle of the night?" she asks him, "Can we talk now?" he asks her.

She immediately knew right then and there, she promised she would talk if he survived and he did. She sighs, lowering her head and steps to the side, letting him in, "Thank you." he said to her and steps into her room. Then she closes the doors and turns to him, "What do you want to talk about?" she asks, trying to play dumb, expecting a smart remark from him.

But he inhales as he sat on her bed, rubbing his shaking hands together, "I'm sorry." he said to her, catching her by complete surprise. "What?" she shot out and he looks at her. "That day in my apartment, I lashed out at you. You were only trying to help me and I took it for granted. It was wrong and you didn't deserve that." he tells her. She crosses her arms and nods at him, "You're right. I didn't deserve that." she agrees with him.

He hung his head, "I didn't deserve to be talked down to like I was a threat. I didn't deserve to be smacked or shouted at, Stephen. But it happened and you did." she informs him, he nods, in agreement with her anger towards him. "And I am sorry, I wish I could take it all back," he tells her, she nods at him. "I know, but that is in the past, Stephen. Let it remain there." she tells him, but he looks up at her and stood, "But I don't want to remain in a sour spot with you." he tells her, she arches her eyebrow at him, "I know I have no right to ask for it, but..." he states and looks her right in the eyes. "You think earning my forgiveness with ease your conscious?" she asks him, "No." he immediately answers. "What I did will never be forgiven. But I would like to spend time with you again, like how we use to," he tells her.

Astra's heart skips a beat as she shifts in her spot. "Why would you want that?" she asks him, he sighs. "Cause I miss my best friend," he answers, she just looks at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. This softens her a little. "All right, I'll give you a chance," she informs her.

Stephen smiles at her, his heart flutters with joy. "Thank you, Astra," he said to her, she nods at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she states, waving her hand at him. He nods grateful, but then he spotted an open sketch pad on her dresser, he steps over and looks it over. 'Hey, don't look at that." she warns him, "Wait..." he states, looking down at the sketch.

It was poorly done, but he got the idea of what she wanted, "Are you trying... to design something?" he asks her. She looks away, blushes from embarrassment "Don't judge me." she warns him. "No, no, I'm not judging... your art skills need a little more work," he informs her.

She looks back at him, arching her brow, "I'm serious." he said, then steps over to her "Look, I like the idea of the design. But I would suggest you leave the neck open, and take away the sleeves, but leave the gloves." he informs her, Astra looks down at the design and goes over the suggestion. "I was planning on adding a waist corset, one sleeve from a glove. But I can't stand boots, I don't like straining my legs or ankles," she states.

They both sat on the bed and go over the design, Sully arrives back in her room and was napping on her bed "Oh make the shirt long at the end." he tells her, she shot a confused look at him, "Why?" she asks, "So you can get that majestic wind from nowhere." he jokes. Astra frowns at him as he chuckles, then she grabs her pillow and smacks him with it. "Dear God, your jokes are still bad." she state, he just laughs, bracing himself. "You love them." he laughs at her, but she rolls her eyes and tossed her pillow back. "Still though, you should consider redesigning it," he informs her.

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