Chapter 3: Teach me

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Chapter 3: Teach me

Three weeks have passed, Stephen has sold almost all of his things in hopes of getting his hands back. And true to her word, Astra never visited him again after their argument. He even got into another argument with Christine after she refuses to reveal Astra's location to him, saying that she didn't know, but she did, but after getting into contact with her a week and three days ago. She told her about the argument she had with Stephen and the tears the stream down her eyes, it told her that he hurt her and she took Astra's side and didn't say a word.

He for days to reach her but after days. He gave up, knowing that she didn't want to be found. So he continued to look for ways to find his hands again. Then the package arrived, he opens it and it was the file. He then opens the file up and saw the note. "Told you so." it side and Stephen opens the reading over the details. He then looks down at the scan and read the name of the name on it.


He walks to the basketball court and watches as Johnathan was playing with his mates, shooting and scoring a point for his team. They cheered and Johnathan went to get a drink. "Johnathan Pangborn, C7-C8 spinal cord injury, complete," Stephen calls out to him. Johnathan stops and then looks at him "Who are you?" Johnathan asks him. "Paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Partial paralysis in both hands." Stephen went on, "I don't know you." Johnathan informs him. "I'm Stephen Strange. I'm a neurosurgeon. Was a neurosurgeon." Stephen introduces himself. Then it clicks in Johnathan's head. "Actually man, you know what, man, I do know you," he states as he walks up to the fence. "I came to your office once. You refused to see me, I never got past your assistant," he states as they walk to the side of the fence.

Stephen then looks at him, "You were untreatable." Stephen reminds him, Johnathan scoffs at him, "No glory in you for that, right?" he states and went to leave. "But you came back from a place there's no coming back from." Stephen calls out to him, Johnathan stops and looks at him, "I-I-I-I I'm trying to find my own way back." Stephen stammers as he lifted up his shaking hands, Johnathan saw the scars on the back of his hands. "Hey Pangborn, are you in or are you out?" one of Johnathan's friends calls out to him, but he raised his hand at them and then walks over to the other side of the fence and was standing in front of Stephen. "All right." he agrees and leans against the fence. "I'd given up on my body. I thought my mind was the only thing I had left I should at least elevate that. So, I sat with gurus and scared women. Strangers carrying me to mountaintops to see holy men and finally, I found my teacher." he informs him. Then he points to his head, "And my mind was elevated and my spirit deepened. And somehow." Johnathan states and Strange steps closer, "Your body healed." he states and Johnathan nods at him. "Yes. There were deeper secrets to learn there, but I didn't have the strength to receive them, I chose to settle for my miracle and I came back home," he informs him.

Stephen just looks at him, "The place you're looking for is Kamar-Taj, but the cost there is high." he warns him. "How much?" Stephen asks him and Johnathan shook his head. "I'm not talking about money," he whispers to him, and Stephen was taken back. "Good luck," he tells him then walks back to the others. Stephen stood in his spot and then exhaled. "Oh, and One more thing," he states and Stephen looks back at him. "You're not the only one looking for Kamar-Taj. My doctor, you know, the one that tried to save me, she was looking for Kamar-Taj too," he states and Stephen was taken back. "Astra?" he asks him and Johnathan nods at him, "When did you see her last?" he asks him, and Johnathan sighs "And why would I tell you that?" he questions him and Stephen looks down, having no answer to give. "That's what I thought," he states and walks back to the others.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Stephen used up the last of his money and traveled to another country, he walks down the streets, looking down at his notes that he's gathered and looks around for any sign of the Kamar-Taj. He would ask around for the location of Kamar-Taj.

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