Festival Games and Familiar Names (Part 1)

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Sorry about how long it took to make this. I've been working on some future stories that I'm, personally, really excited for. Again, apologies for the wait but enjoy from now on.

My pov
The next day, all was normal... yeah, no, not gonna happen at UA. What actually happened was that we would be doing the sports festival. Yes, the sports festival, directly after a villain attack. Eraser head explained to us that it was to show that UA wasn't worn down, but even he sounded uncertain about the idea. When lunch came around, everyone was talking about their training for the next two weeks. I, on the other hand, didn't need the training as Eraser head gave me the next two weeks for vigilante work, and that was training in and of itself. School went by and at the end of the day, I was off. My first destination was to a nearby building. There were rumors of a large number of people had died there in the past few minutes and I think I know who did it. As I dashed through the sky, I saw a bolt of electricity darting through the streets, followed by some cops and one of the new heroes who, no doubt, was only helping for the money. I sped up and saw the bolt hit a wall and bounced off, becoming a boy I knew. The police and hero cornered him and he backed against a wall. I shot down and stopped next to the boy. "I'll be taking this now. Yoink." I grabbed his arm and fly off. "Hey Bolt!" I call to him, yelling to be heard over the wind. "How you been." "I've been worse." He yells back. "How do you feel about catching up with Genderbent Luffy and Queen Boo?" "I'm down with that." I smirk and let go of him. Dangerous, yes. But we've practiced this. He held his arms near his body and fell like a skydiver. A bolt of electricity appeared in his place and started zipping up to me, matching my pace.

We soon came to a rundown house in an old part of town. I walk up to the door and knocked loudly. "Lightning Rod and Twister here, open up!" I yell. The door swings open and I'm pushed from behind, along with Bolt. "Hey Luffy, Queen Boo. What's up." "One, not much. Two, stop screaming out your names when you want in. Three, those aren't our names." Bolt shrugged. "Anyway, wanna see something cool?" I ask. This peaked their interest. "What is it?" The phantom asked. I grinned and pulled out three slips of paper. "What are those?" The rubber girl asked, very curious. "U.A. invitations. You three get to go into class 1B. Of course, you don't have to." "So," The phantom asked. "You get to pick two of us to go to U.A. with you, because obviously you wanna go." My grin widened as I pulled my U.A. license out of my pocket. "What were you saying." They studied the card carefully, trying to find out who I stole it from. They turned to me incredulously. "How?" Bolt asked. "Midnight caught me and she works at U.A. and I was given the choice to join or go to prison. Now Nezu, the principal, kinda wants to turn us to a side of 'good'." I air quoted the good part, as we basically already were. "I'm down." Bolt said, taking an invitation. The two girls shrugged and grabbed the other two paper slips.

We soon arrived at U.A.. We had disguised ourselves with civilian outfits to not catch attention. In the bright sunlight, Onyx (Queen Boo) was flickering in and out of view, occasionally looking like a floating set of clothes. Bolt tried to go in through the gate but the security system activated and iron walls slammed shut. "That's secure. Or, it would be if we all didn't have a way to get through." Page (Genderbent Luffy) said as she prepared to jump over. She did just that, legs stretching to shoot her up. Onyx followed by phasing through the wall. Bolt just turned into electricity and jumped the wall. I, on the other hand, scanned my U.A. license and calmly walked through the front entrance. "Your friends are quite lively, aren't they?" Midnight asked, walking from her spot on the wall towards Bolt, licking her lips. "Midnight." Aizawa asked lazily, walking out from a nearby shadow. "Show some decency for once please." I snickered at this and nodded. "W-were all r-restless and w-worried to m-meet this p-principle of y-yours." Onyx explained, stuttering over her words from nervousness. "No need to worry. It's just a talk." Midnight reassured her. "Then let's get to it!" Bolt grinned, running to the door. "I swear." Page sighed, exasperated. "He's hyped up on enough energy drinks to kill Godzillo."

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