chapter one: the wedding

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"You look beautiful Annabelle" my mother smiled at me.

I had a cream colored  cinderella designed dress on with light blue shoes, light blue tiara. Today was my wedding day and I looked beautiful.

I smiled back at my mother with tears in my eyes.

"Thanks mom".

"You are the most beautiful bride ever" jack my best friend since highschool stepped inside the room.

"Wow! You look gorgeous"


He hugged me and said excitedly

"are you ready"

I looked at myself in the mirror one more time then smiled at both my mom and best friend


They lead me outside where my father was.

"I can't believe my daughter is getting married."

"Pop stop crying please. Your gonna make me cry then mess my makeup up"

He wiped his tears away

"I don't want that to happen"

I took a peek of inside the huge church we were getting married in. All the light blue and white turned out just the way I wanted. I looked at all the guests,scared of what was too come but excitement and love overpowered that fear. Then I took a look of chad in his white and light blue tux, and remembered the first day we met.

I was standing in the rain with no shoes, no coat, and no umbrella. I was practicing my play and the timing was perfect. The rain made my  hair wet and curly as I twirled. My feet sloshed in the puddles as I sang. I was drenched.
"Excuse me miss. Are you crazy?"
When I had heard the voice I didn't pay attention to it I just kept reciting the play.
When he tapped on my shoulder I swung around.
"I'm trying to practice a-"
I stopped. He was gorgeous. Green eyes. Long curly hair. Perfect teeth. Lovely accent. Beautiful smile.
He smiled.
I looked down at my bare, wet feet.
"Again I ask, are you crazy?"
I looked up
"No. Just a little insane"
He laughed.
"I see."
We stared at eachother for a while before he smiled again.
"I was on my way to dinner before I got stood up, would you care to give me some company?"
I wanted to have a reason to say no so bad but I didn't.
He smirked
"Your gonna need new some clothes"

I stop looking in the room and grabbed my dad's arm.

"Are you ready?"


He squeezes my hand and we start slowly walking down the aisle.

Everyone turned and took their turn ooing and ahhing .

I finally had gotten to chad and took his hands into mine. We smiled at eachother and both looked at the priest.

"Say your vows"

I looked at chad.

"Babe you are my everything. You made me believe in love. I vow to always love you no matter what. To live in the now with you and only you. I vow to live within th warmth of your heart and always call it home.And I vow to never get mad when you hog the covers"

Laughter filled the room.

Then chad spoke.

"Baby, I vow

To fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever.

I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.

I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart we will always find a way back to each other"

I couldn't help but get teary eyed.

We kept our eyes on eachother and the priest did his thing

"Anna, do you take chad to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I smiled.

"I do"

"Chad, do you take Anna to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He smiled.

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride"

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