Chapter Two

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"Alright, girls, let's take a break!" I say to my group of bionic girls, looking at each of them. They all are panting, and a few of them are sprawled out on the floor, their arms over their faces. Honestly, I didn't think I worked them too hard, but based on their actions, I did. Oh, well. "You know what? You can take the rest of the day off."

The girls made different noises, ranging from grunts to cheers, but the one thing they have in common is their joy. I turn away from them, running a hand through my ponytail. If these girls think that they are going to be bionic heroes like my siblings and me, they have to get used to the work and training we do around here. For right now, though, I'm going to not be as tough.

"Apparently, you want to kill everyone you meet," a voice says from behind me. I spin around and see Leo standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. There's a bad look on his face, and I let out a sigh. "Isn't that right, Bree?"

I glare at him, motioning toward the empty training room behind me. Adam is supposed to be here soon, so I don't know why Leo would want to bully me in front of him. Adam and Chase promised that they would stop our fights before they get out of control, but they aren't here, which is probably why Leo's here. 

"You know, I thought you'd be busier since you're a student."

His face sours slightly. That only leaves a hollow feeling in my chest instead of making me feel better for hurting his feelings. Before our talk with Maggie after Leo's failed award ceremony, I could be ruthless with him and not care about how he was feeling. Unfortunately, Maggie had to knock some sense into me. Literally. She slapped me upside the head when she found out how rude I had been to Leo. But it worked, and now I just feel awful around him, especially when I hurt his feelings intentionally.

On the other hand, it doesn't seem like he cares about me anymore. We had been on sort of good terms after our talk with Maggie because he had said that he forgave both of us for ruining his life. However, it feels like he forgot all about that. I don't know any more with him. If I ask him, he'll just walk away or retort something about how I actually don't care about him. It sucks, but it feels like there's nothing I can do about it.

"I am better than all of these students here," Leo says angrily. He shakes his head at me like I wouldn't ever understand what he is feeling right now. "But no one seems to care about little old Leo now that there's more bionic people here."

"That's not true, and you know it."

"I think you're the first one to be able to say that you don't care about me."

I blow air out of my nose instead of answering him. He's only egging me on. I know he is. I know he wants me to say something back so he could get even angrier with me. I am not going to let that happen right now. 

Turning away from him, I head toward the doors to go back to the main area of the academy. Leo keeps muttering about things behind me, but I ignore him. His voice slowly dissipates the farther I get away from him. I'm thankful for that. Slowly, other voices mingle in my mind as I hear some students chatting together about who knows what. I don't have to listen to anything they're saying because it doesn't matter to me, so I try to get through the small crowd to the Mentor's Quarters. However, something prevents me from moving an inch farther.

"Bree!" Emmie says excitedly, standing directly in front of me. She has a bright smile on her face, and for a second there, I am smiling, too. But it soon slips off when I hear Leo talking to someone behind me. "I'm finally here!"

"Yay," I say. It doesn't sound very excited, though. She doesn't seem to notice because her eyes are darting all over the academy. "Maggie didn't come with you?"

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