Chapter 31 - Barely Legal

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"Yes, that's a great idea. She can share a car with Olivier," Jade instantly agrees. "We'll have the chance to go over our meeting today, then you and I can stop at Tom's Tavern after."

"No, she's coming with us," replies Sacha. His palm slides down from my shoulder to firmly grip my hip and heat flares through my body from his touch. Her eyes follow the movement of his hand over me. "It doesn't make sense for Danica and me to ride in different cars. You can update me on the Kareem Group meeting on the way."

She dutifully nods her head even though it's obvious to me that that's not what she wants to hear.

"And I'm afraid I have to take a rain check on the Tavern," he continues, leading me toward the car parked in between the other two cars. "I have some work to catch up on and Danica's had a long day."

Her eyebrows come down to form a line between them. "You work too hard, Sacha. It's Saturday night and it's been a while since the last time we went."

He doesn't reply, instead, he ushers me into the waiting car. A driver is holding the car door open for us while someone else is putting the luggage in the trunk.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you guys soon. Have a good night!" I hear Olivier say as I crawl to the other end of the seat. Sacha follows me in right after without responding.

"Good night Olivier," hollers Jade before she climbs in after Sacha.

Olivier moves to get into the car in front of us along with another Nephilim who was waiting for us at the airport. From the sound of the closing car doors, I'm guessing that the other two men who were on the plane with us are getting into the car behind us.

I've noticed that as people who claimed to be best friends, Sacha and Olivier haven't talked much during the whole journey. The air between them is slightly chilled. I wonder if I was the cause of that.

"Take me to my penthouse in the city, Marshall," Sacha tells the driver. "Then send Miss Johnson home."

"All right, sir," comes the answer from the front.

"She's staying with you?" asks Jade, looking unhappily at me. Her voice carries some emotion close to hurt and disappointment.

"Yes," replies Sacha without giving any further information or explanation.

We pull away from the airport and Sacha starts asking her work-related questions. She powers up her tablet and launches into an explanation, instantly looking and sounding professional.

I listen in for a little while but immediately lose interest. I don't think that they will be discussing anything of importance to me, especially not about the Grimoire that Astaroth wanted me to steal from the Nephilim.

Jade is a human and I doubt she knows what Sacha really is or suspect what I am. He wouldn't reveal himself or our world to her no matter how good a friend she is to him. She will remain oblivious unless Sacha planned to make her his life companion.

To humans, knowing the concept that we exist is fine since they can view it with some skepticism or disregard it altogether. But knowing for sure that the horror of hell and demons exist right under their noses is something that a lot of them can't handle.

"Tired?" asks Sacha and I suddenly realize that I'm dozing off and leaning into his shoulder.

I just nod and he moves his body to accommodate mine before he winds his arm around my waist.

This Nephilim man smells so good. I bury my face in his chest and place my hand over his flat stomach. Then I close my eyes and breathe in the smell of his cologne and the undertone of his amazing natural scent underneath it. I could breathe in his wonderful scent and listen to the rumble of his deep velvety voice forever.

A Legacy of the Damned: Daughter of AstarothWhere stories live. Discover now