Do You Believe in Unicorns?

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<Drunk England has logged on>

<France has logged on>

<America has logged on>

Drunk England: *strokes air*

America: *watches from a safe distance*

America: Dude, what are you doing O_o

Drunk Iggy: *Laughs and hiccups* Petting Flying MInt Bunny, of course!


France: My apologies, I got him drunk.

America: *sighs* of course you did.

Drunk Iggy: I swear to drunk I'm not God!

France: Very drunk.

Drunk Iggy: Frog, do you believe in unicorns?

America: That's it, I'm out.

<America has logged off>

France: Ohonhonhonhon!

<The chatroom is empty>

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