Shipping Isn't Simple

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<AllHailLordDoitsu has logged on>

<Miss_Insanity_  has logged on>

AllHailLordDoitsu: You know what? Shipping really isn't as simple as I thought it would be.

MIss_Insanity_: But all you have to do is make two people and hope that they make out!

AllHailLordDoitsu: But you've also gotta watch who you ship.

AllHailLordDoitsu: You've gotta come up with ship names that not even france can turn into some kind of pickup line.

AllHailLordDoitsu: Fanart.

AllHailLordDoitsu: You can't ship ships that mess with you other ships.

AllHailLordDoitsu: Most fangirls end up calling all of their ships be OTPs, which contradicts its own meaning.

AllHailLordDoitsu: Lastly, the fanart. Fanart. Fanart. Fanart.

Miss_Insanity_: What about the fanfictions?

AllHailLordDoitsu: Don't even get me started.

<The Fangirls have logged off>

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