The betrayal

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“We’re going to blow y/n up” dp says like some sweet mom while kona agrees
Kags looks at dp and kona with concern and says sure weeee

Next day they go to visit Obama’s house
“Obama open the fucking door up”
But who opens the door disappoints them, “hey y/n...” kona says awkwardly “we want to meet obama” kags says dp just sits back and despises y/n “short bitch”

Then they go inside to meet obama and he treats them nicely “hello my friends”
“Hello” “hi” “yeah hi” the three of them say.

“Let’s eat lunch together, I cooked!” Kags says
Just then dp and kona realise kags’ plans and smirk
“Sure let’s eat!” dp says
“Yes let’s eat” kona says

Everyone sits on the dinner table

They all pray like mortals. DP and Kona both smirking while Kags remain calm. They all eat in silence while suddenly Y/N got a phone call.

"I'll be right there!"

Y/N left the house, confusing both DP and Kona. They didn't want their plan to fail but...

But Kags starts to smile.

"Let me have a moment with my friends."

"Sure ig"

Kags dragged Kona and DP to the nearest room.

"I guess we can't kill Y/N now" sobbed DP.

"Hey, this is part of my plan" assured Kags.

DP and Kona looked at each other confused. The doorbell rings... and they open it to see...

Steve from Minecraft.

It turns out that Obama has been cheating on Y/N with Steve! flushed

DP's jaw dropped so hard she fell through the floor. The plan was to get Y/N to see Obama cheating in action!

Y/N couldn't believe what they just saw. Steve...their own friend cheating with their husband..

Y/N started to cry in front of everyone and dropped on their knees.
"O-obama kun...the thing is..I only married you so I can get half of your property once we divorce"

DP and kags froze
"All this time...was this all an act???"

Kona started giggling
"You dumb dont understand do you?.. I was working with y/n to get half of the money they would get after they divorce"

Kags grabbed a vase next to him and was about to smash it on konas face


Kags turned around and saw...

iron man sighed and said
"Dont hurt kona sister"

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