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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


"Mr. Luthor, I hope you know that it's 9:00 am right now," Tyla chimed in while she twirled her finger around a dark blonde curl. She didn't wait for Lex to speak as he answered the phone. She had moved away from the crowd outside the pending LexCorp structure to give herself some privacy, but she kept her cheery demeanor in case wandering ears caught the annoyance that started to rise from within her. She gave a small yet polite smile over to the crowd before turning her attention back on the phone.

"Yes, I'm aware I'm late." From his annoyed albeit tired tone, she judged that Lex was just at the Talon, picking up a coffee.

"Half an hour?"

"Look, make my apologies to the EPA rep and start the plant tour without me." He heard Tyla sigh on the phone.

She suddenly felt extremely self-conscious in her fall dress. She was only here to look pretty. Her white boots weren't designed to walk around the property and play host. She gripped the tight beige fabric. "Fine. While I have you on the phone, are you going to attend with your father tonight?"

"Yes, I still plan on being in Metropolis for the charity auction-" Lex's words trailed off and left Tyla hanging. She could barely make out what was being said but she knew he was talking to someone else. Once more she was being effectively put on hold in the millionaire fashion.... complete disregard.

"Unbelievable" she muttered as she hung up.


"You smashed a window?!" Tyla exclaimed after the two of them parted from the investors.

Lex had come an hour late to the tour and taken over control just as one of the investors asked her about his plans for the plant. She was about to delegate with the construction manager when he turned the corner. It dawned on her that he may have come earlier and wanted to see her struggle when she was at a loss for words. By the end of the tour, Lex had explained his tardiness, mostly because now there were photographers and journalists miling up the parking lot to talk to him. It was as if the plant didn't matter anymore.

"And the bumper, and the headlights," he went on. To the blond-haired woman next to him, he noticed that she looked extra exasperated.

"You need anger management." She moaned as reporters buzzed over upon seeing them. Questions flew left and right as Lex made his way towards his car.

"Is it true that you told the meter maid to get a real job?"

"What did he say that pissed you off?"

"Lex! Over here!"

"Does this have anything to do with your father's decision about closing the plant weeks ago?"

Lex sighed softly in frustration and put his shades on. He pushed through the crowd, making room for them both. Tyla bit her lip and tried to give a gap between the reporters and Lex's car as she approached the red Ferrari. She turned around, taking up the space as he clicked the car to life and opened the door to get into the driver's seat. She stood while cameras clicked, her arms outstretched while Lex started to close the door.

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