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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Lex kept his distance from her the next couple of months. Leave it to his literary heroes to say that "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". He didn't know what to do in this situation either without the risk of further angering the lady. In truth, he was afraid to act. He never had a non-romantic prospect be so angry at him that it made him question how to go about mending her frustration. Was this the first fight in the friendship? He didn't recall the last time that he felt nervous about someone in this regard. Even with his fights with Clark, there wasn't a fear of loss. He felt frozen from demanding any advice to anyone else but Tyla, albeit about her. Tyla's mind was a very mysterious one let alone the female mind in general. A part of him felt like he could ask Helen for advice, but she seemed very much into her work that he wasn't sure if she would understand his need to still have Tyla as a friend. He supposed that he could face the situation head on and be the one to break the ice. At least, if she wasn't ready, she could delete his email. To his fear, they would simply be employer and employee.

To: Tyla Nevin

From: Lex Luthor


Attachment: Nevin-employmentcontract.pdf


Although I would like to do this in person, I sincerely apologize for the pains that I have put you through during that ordeal with my father. I admit, I was not sure if you would want to see me.

Attached is a employment contract with an ironclad clause to not use your employment as a bargaining chip. You are entirely and legally protected now. If this is to your satisfaction, I can have Mercy draw you a copy to sign.



He pressed send and found himself nervous for her reply. She hadn't visited LexCorp, but then again, he hadn't given her the excuse to. He forwarded his projects to other agents in that department. It was his way of giving her the space. He half debated on grabbing himself a drink over at the bar area, but he stayed glued at his desk in the study. Murphy's Law dedicated that if he would leave, he would then miss her reply.

But time had passed, and there was none. Helen had come in to see him, upset that the press was trying to ruin her image as his girlfriend and unaware that he was preoccupied. He offered to get his PR agents to fix the issue which he was in the middle of delegating the request when a notification chimed in his inbox.

To: Lex Luthor

From: Tyla Nevin

Subject; Apology Accepted


Mr. Luthor,

This must be a big apology for you if you didn't put a subject AND you called me by my first name.

The contract is fine bar the pending miracle. Whenever you are ready, I will come to LexCorp to sign.


P.S. Was this why I haven't received any projects from LexCorp lately? Couldn't stand meeting me face-to-face?

It would be an understatement to say that Lex was relieved. A small part of him wanted to meet her at LexCorp immediately. However, that was sheer impulse speaking and something he pushed down often. He quickly deleted his draft about Helen's press debut and replied to Tyla.

To: Tyla Nevin

From: Lex Luthor

Subject; Re: Apology Accepted


I figured calling you by your first name is the least I can do. I have been treating you more like a pawn than an actual human being.

Nothing spectacular at LexCorp that requires your expertise although the Inquisitor has muddied Helen's reputation. Perhaps you can work your magic on that?


P.S. I will have Mercy call you to coordinate.

He had gathered everything from that rag of a newspaper, but Helen still ended up seeing it to his dismay. If anyone can smooth things over, it would be Tyla. He didn't go by her advice last time and that blew up in his face. At least, with this, he was giving his own skin a chance to be saved from any flaying.

To: Lex Luthor

From: Tyla Nevin

Subject; Re: Apology Accepted


I saw that this morning. Brutal. But that's the price they pay for dating you, I guess. I can set something up with the Enquire for the two of you. I'm sure Scientific American would help too as they have a piece on Leading Females under 30.


P.S. Do something nice for that poor woman, please. For her own pains of seeing you.

Lex smirked. It was clear that she had forgiven him if she did not hesitate to give him a jab about his dating life. He would run by the suggestions to Helen before contacting her again. He turned the computer screen off and then walked over to the cart, finally rewarding himself to the sweet nectar of the gods. 

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