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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Lex had put in a request to investigate a Smallville High student and Tyla had subconsciously forwarded it to Haley, a workmate who had just started to work at LuthorCorp within the week. She shadowed her and Lindsay and with Tyla's birthday coming up in a week, the blonde wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to deal with any eccentric requests from one of her bosses. With the millionaire's obsession with background checks, this was an easy task for the newcomer to tackle. All she had to do was type the name in their database and the program went through public and the Luthors's private records.

Regardless, Tyla was busy putting together "inside" scoops of the upcoming Luthor engagement, coupled with trying to keep yet another LuthorCorp scandal concealed to consider helping Lex trying to figure out how far his morality extended to. She was more than background checks. She was about to turn off her computer when her office phone started to ring. The blond-haired woman sighed, knowing exactly who would be calling her at this time of night.

"Tyla Nevin speaking."

"I need your help with my father."

"Mr. Luthor?" She kept herself from rolling her eyes in annoyance at the young man's voice. This was not a circumstance that she wanted to be right in. She turned her face away from any prying eyes. "I'm not going to be a part of this, takeover or otherwise." She started to hush her voice. "Even talking about it will proba-"

"I had the line secured."

"Since when did you-?" It was this that gained another sigh from her lips. One of frustration. Once again, the eccentric millionaire acted on impulses. "Mr. Luthor, still...I don't want to be-"

"It's not a takeover, Tyla. It's a matter of people's safety. I need you to let something slip around LuthorCorp." Tyla sat up and listened to Lex speak about a hijack of a LuthorCorp truck and Eric Marsh, the boy that Tyla had forwarded to Haley to investigate. She listened carefully about meteor rocks which she admitted was something that she never really believed in other than it was a good tourist attractor for the small town. Now, she was finding that this was one of the reasons why she was needed to cover the Luthors with. Strange things always seemed to occur in and around Smallville.

"So what? This is a crime-fighting scheme, and it rests on me spreading some gossip?" She finally said.

Lex chuckled. "Something like that." He replied. "You're good with words, Tyla. You can convince anyone."

"I must be some kind of fool...." She mumbled as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Remember that every village has its idiot."

"Oh ouch! And remember that I am unionized so I can file harassment on you!" She smirked as she grabbed a pen and a pad of paper. "Okay, give me all the details before I choose to sue you."

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