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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Tyla was driving in her mother's car when she heard her cell phone ring. A quick glance at the caller ID indicated that it was Lex. She made a slight face of disapproval and pulled over to the side of the road. The white Toyota bounced as it moved as she slowed the car to a halt, making the young woman mutter a few words about having a car of her own here. It would have been her birthday present if she wasn't so preoccupied with the furnishings of her own place.

Regardless, she had a few days off to keep her affairs in order which made Lex's call a very random occurrence. He never called her after office hours. It was usually a Lionel Luthor trait that brought on him barking orders. Perhaps it was due to respect but Lex would not ask her about business when she wasn't in the office. She found herself debating to pick it up. If it were work related, she could chew him out for contacting during her off-hours. That would at least relieve whatever tension was creeping up within her. She gingerly picked up the phone, flipped it open and cradled it between her shoulder and jaw. "Tyla Nevin, speaking."

"Do you know anything about cakes?"

"Well good morning to you too, Mr. Luthor."

Lex hated that she still used formalities. He didn't like that she would call his father the same and he wanted to be as separated from him in the blonde's eyes as much as possible. "Call me Lex.... please. Now, about the cakes. I need you to come over, I'm having a.... wedding dilemma." He flinched as he heard the blonde laugh through the phone.

"Wow, what I wouldn't do to record that," Tyla wiped the tears from her eyes while she watched the green light far down the road turn red. "Where is the future Mrs. Luthor?"

"Missing in action. This wedding planner is grating me, and I have no patience for this. I don't want to choose the wrong one."

"You're the one marrying her. You know her more than me," Tyla protested. "Besides, what makes you think that I can help you with something like that? Just eat a piece off each and then choose the top two for her." There was silence on the other end of the call. Lex must have been desperate to call her because she found the pause was deafening with his silent pleas. "Alright, give me a half hour."


Lex wasn't going to admit that he was in a blind panic before he called Tyla. Once he had hung up, he continued to act as if he was frozen, waiting for Tyla to appear. As he heard the pacing of boots echoing in the halls, his imitation of a rigid statue seemed to fall apart. He took a deep breath, taking a moment to realize that it was Tyla who had just come in. She opened the doors to the banquet area with the same confidence as she did when she first walked into his office.

But it was her attire that he had to process rather than her demeanor. He was so used to her in her casual business attire that seeing her out in compete pedestrian clothing was a bit of an adjustment. Her black heels were replaced with brown imitation cowboy boot with a slightly exaggerated heel. In lieu of a skirt or pants, she wore light blue denim shorts. Her brown bomber jacket was open, revealing a white tank top. Her hair was done in long blonde curls.

Lex was pleasantly surprised. She looked like she fit into Smallville nicely. The wedding planner was about to protest when Lex turned to her. "It's alright, she's an employee.' He told her as Tyla moved forward. "Leave us for now." The wedding planner hesitantly left but not before throwing a skeptical look at the millionaire and closed the door as she left. It left both Lex and Tyla not saying anything for a long while. Lex simply stood at the end of a table and looked at her expectantly. His hands were on the table in defeat, as if the array of cakes were laughing at him.

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