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Jay looked over at Jake and Sunghoon after he had finished staring at Jungwon. They seemed so happy, so in love it could have made him puke. They were even clingier and more lovey dovey than most couples because it had only been half a month since they became a thing. They were still in their puppy love stage.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked after having fed Sunghoon a nugget.

"Nothin' " he sighed and grabbed his waterbottle from his backpack.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup" Jake and Sunghoon knew to leave him be and just make sure he did nothing reckless.

"So... are you gonna ask anyone to the formal?" Sunghoon asked him without knowing that maybe that wasn't the best question to ask.

"No, I'm as depressed and single as a widow" Somehow this was overlooked by both boys who knew he meant no harm in the comment.

"What's wrong with him?" Sunoo sat at their small circular table.

"Nothing" Jake says as he looks him in the eye trying to tell him to leave it.

"It doesn't seem like anything, I mean he looks so... depressed" Sunoo pouted a bit sadly.

"Unrequited love is what happened" Jay said grabbing his stuff quickly and leaving.

"I told you to leave it" Jake sighed out.

"Yeah well I don't understand eye language" Sunoo shook his head.

"Guys, let's just not talk it about it at all" Sunghoon said trying to calm them as they both seemed a bit irritated.

"Oki" sunoo mumbled and started eating.
"I hope his unrequited love will end soon" he muttered as he played with his spaghetti.


"You know what happened to... Mari" he whispered the girl's name.

"Who?" Jake asked seeing both Sunghoon and Sunoo lower their eyes and their mood saddened.

"Before you moved here, there was this girl named Mari and she fell for a boy but soon enough it became too much and she got hanahaki disease"

"What's hanahaki disease?"

"From what i know-"

"From what you've ex-" Sunghoon started but was interrupted.

"Leave that out" sunoo told him firmly.

"From my knowledge, it is when someone is in an unrequited love and coughs out flowers or petals because of the unrequited love. The flowers or petals come from the heart, or most deadly and commonly the lungs"

"Well isn't there a cure?"

"Yeah there's two but both can be a little hard"

"What are they?"

"A doctor removes the petals from your lungs but this also removes the feelings(it is also very expensive) and the second is that they end up loving you back as more than just a friend"

"Then what happened to Mari?"

"She got neither of those and passed away"

"Oh..." it got quiet and the bell rang soon enough, the three friends waved goodbye to each and went their seperate ways.

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