Chapter 1

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12 Years Later

I laid on the huge rock slab basking in the sunlight. Several pups played in the short grass before me while several other wolves lay around in the sun. Since the day I lost my entire pack, I lost track of time. When I shifted, I knew that six years had passed.

After I shifted, I stumbled onto a large pack of wild wolves. Though they were weary of me, they accepted me into their pack. The day I found the wolves, I stashed my things in a small cave near their den. I knew that there it would stay hidden until I decided that it was time to return to the world I left behind.

A strong gust of wind brought several scents towards me that I hadn’t smelled in years; shifters. I whine softly and herd the pups into the den, while the others crouch down ready to attack if provoked. I could tell that they were getting closer and that they were not in their wolf. If we had to attack, the first several hits would be easier to get in.

Suddenly I could hear their voices. “I’ve heard that the King has decided to start an investigation into their disappearance.”

“It’s been years since it happened. Any evidence that once might have been around would now be long gone.”

“I heard from one of the King’s men that there’s a witness who might still be alive. If they came forward, it would help them narrow the search faster.” One broke a twig causing the wolves to start growling. I hear them stop before hurrying off in another direction.

After several long minutes, the wolves quieted down and I slowly edge out of the den. The pups know by now that they were to wait until I let them go. Making sure everything was clear, I step out of the open and let the pups back into the sun. As they raced towards their moms, I made up my mind. It was time for me to go back.

It took me longer that I thought to say goodbye to my adopted family. It saddened both me and my wolf to leave, but we had business to settle. And it was time to get it done. I trot into the cave and pull the bag out of the hidden hole where I placed it. I shift and quickly ruffle through it, making sure that everything was still there.

Once I was satisfied, I shift back and grab the bag between my teeth. I make my way towards the nearest town. I found several clothes hanging on a line. Taking enough to cover my body, I head to a bank and pull some cash out of Dad’s account.

 I buy enough clothes and things to last me for several months. Pulling Mom’s ring of my necklace, I slip it on my finger. Once I had them packed away, I head back to the woods and start to walk back to my old home.

 It took me two months to reach my old pack territory. I wasn’t surprised to find that no one had moved in on it. I’m sure the massacre they found there would have soured even the strongest of stomachs. Everything had been cleaned, and as I walked through the town, my heart clenched at the sight.

Everything had been boarded up and it reminded me of an old ghost town from the western movies I used to watch on Saturdays. Slipping through the hidden entrance in the forest, I follow the tunnel to the basemen under my house.

I knew I shouldn’t but I slowly walked up the steps and started to walk through the house. The memories begin to flood me as I make my way through each room. I found myself outside of Dad’s office, but I couldn’t go in. Shaking my head, I head back to the living room.

The slamming of a car door brought me to a stop. Crouching, I edge over to the front door and held my breath. “Are you sure you saw someone John? I can’t smell anyone.”

“Cut it out Joel. I saw a girl walking through here just five minutes ago. I swear! Besides, the king said to bring anyone who came through here to him. So we have to find her.” They leave the car where it was as they started to search for me.

I rush towards the basement door and shut it behind me. I didn’t have time to erase my tracks in the dust on the floors. Once below the house, I calmed down a little. I would be safe here for a day or so, but then I would have to continue on to the King’s pack. 

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