Chapter 20

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Jenny's POV

The fight between King Winters and his brother had been brutal. Many wolves died that day, but most had come with the rouges. But the death that stood out the most to me was that of my sister's. When I approached her with the idea of helping put a stop to the king's brother, she gladly jumped in. But I'm getting ahead of myself....

I stare at my mate, surprised. Was I ready for him to mark me? If I were to die on the battle field, could he survive that pain? Could I survive it if he was the one to die? Titus must have felt my emotions through the bond because the next thing I knew, he pulled me into a tight hug. "Don't worry Jenny. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

Suddenly I knew that I was ready. I lean my head over, revealing my neck. That was the only invitation he needed. I felt his sharp canines brush against my skin and I couldn't stop the shudder that ran through my body. And I knew that I had made the right choice as his teeth broke through my skin.

The next day was frantic. Because we had no idea of the number of rouges we would be facing, the Alpha was spending his time calling the others, requesting that any fighters that they could spare be sent to him immediately. I snuck off to the library at lunch and linked with Ellen. I told her that the warrant had been dropped and that she could come back. I realized then that I should have kept my mouth shut about her to the king, but my wolf wanted hers to fight beside us.

So, when she heard about the upcoming battle, and that I would be participating in it as well, she promised to arrive in the morning. Titus was with Joel in the cells trying to get information from him. I wanted to be with my mate, but I knew that if I stepped one foot into the cell with Joel, I'd rip him apart. So, I stayed up stairs with everyone else.

The king had sent his family on a vacation until this was over. No one except for the king and me knew where they would be. Before the queen left, I had pulled her aside and promised her that for as long as I drew a breath, her mate would be safe. She had given me a teary smile and a hug. The next day when Ellen arrived, tensions in the house rose. As promised, Titus wouldn't stay in the same room with her.

But, later that night, he complained because I hardly left Ellen's side. He was just upset that he hadn't seen me much during the day. And Ellen hadn't been able to get over the fact that Titus had marked me.

On Friday, Joel caved. He told Titus everything about the impending attack. But we felt ready. Our numbers were close to seven thousand and we were all itching for a fight. Saturday dawned, and the sky was clear. A good day for a fight it would seem. Everyone in the house seemed to be on a higher level of alert.

It was just a little after noon when a runner came with news that a rouge horde had been spotted headed this way. As we all rushed out to the battlefield, Titus and I became separated, but I made sure to stick with the king. If he fell, everything would be lost.

The rouges exploded from the forest and the fight was on. Everywhere you looked; it was nothing but a sea of brutal fighting. The king and I stood back to back as we fought and killed any rouge that came our way. It didn't take the rouges long to realize that unless I was taken out, the king wouldn't be easy to get to. And that's when the fighting picked up.

They wanted to leave King Winters to his brother, so they focused more on me. And soon, I found myself a good distance from him. Just as I killed the rouge I was fighting, movement caught my eyes. I looked up just in time to see a rouge sneaking up behind the king. Quickly, I took off towards him, but I was too far away. Ellen was closer so I shouted at her. And though I was glad that the king survived, I wished that I hadn't called to her.

She rushed forward jumping over the king's wolf just as the rouge jumped forward. I watched as she grabbed onto his neck and snapped it in two. When his body hit the ground, he was dead. But I didn't stop running. Another rouge jumped onto Ellen, tearing huge pieces of skin and fur off of her. The sounds of her cries fueled me as I sped towards her. Just as I leapt forward, the rouge tore her throat out. And all I saw was red.

I landed on the rouge and started to tear him apart. When I was finished with him, there was nothing left. Sorrow filled me as I looked at my sister's dead body. The king was now circling his brother slowly. I quickly make my way towards them and stand with my back facing him. It wasn't long before the rest of our pack stood beside me. This fight would be won fair and square. None of the rouges would be able to interfere.

For hours we stood there, killing any rouge that came to close. The sounds of an all out fight behind sounded like there was no end in sight. Suddenly the sound of flesh ripping sounded out behind us and I watched as the remaining rouges tucked tail and ran. Slowly I turned around. The king stood before the fallen body of his brother. Several feet behind him laid headless body.

I watched as King Winters dropped the head and slowly started walking back towards the house. Several of his pack including Titus rushed to help him. I could see that he was wounded very badly, but he held his head high. I just stood where I was. My eyes snapped back to where the body of my sister lay, and very slowly, I made my way to her side.

I shifted, not caring who was watching. I knelt and carefully lifted her in my way. Several times I nearly fell under the weight, but I just steeled my back, refusing any of the offers for help. This was my fault, and I would handle it alone. Very slowly, I headed into the woods looking for a secluded spot.

The Dark Moons never buried their dead. Instead, we cremated them at night. This allowed our wolf guide to return to the Moon Goddess. No matter what my sister had done in this life, she would always be a Dark Moon. I took gentle care as I washed and prepared her body. It saddened me that I hadn't had much time here with her, but I knew that she would be much happier with the Moon Goddess.

Once her body was clean, I slowly placed it on the pile of wood I had made. I had only seen my father do this once when my mother miscarried a pup. So I could only hope I got it right. When the moon slowly rose, I was glad to see that it was full. Her wolf wouldn't have any trouble finding its path home.

I hold my hand towards Ellen's body as I lift my face towards the moon. I close my eyes and focus on a smiling image of my sister's face. Mater Luna anima filiae vestrae accipere. Bonum certamen certavi, et dedit ei tempus redire. Ut illam deduceret in inveniret requiem tuam iterum armis. (Mother Moon, accept the soul of your daughter. She has fought a good fight and now it is time for her to return home. Guide her into your loving arms so that she might find rest once again.) When a blue spark shot from my hand, engulfing the dry wood into flames, I knew I had gotten it right.

I stood there long after the embers died down and nothing but a pile of ash remained. The eyes of several pack wolves were on me, but I ignored them. This was my time to mourn the loss of my sister. When day broke, I was still standing there, my face lifted up towards the sky. I knew that she was now at peace forever.

Hearing a branch break behind me, I slowly lower my face and open my eyes. Turning around, I come face to face with my mate. "I'm sorry that you lost her Jenny." He muttered softly as he took me in his arms. Once my face lay on his chest, the tears came. Swiftly he lifted me up and started walking back to the house. By the time the house came into view, I was asleep.


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