Chapter 3

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After King Winters showed me to a guest room, I quickly put my clothes away and stepped into the shower. It felt so good to have hot water rushing over my human body again. Once I was finished with my bath, I dressed and then spent the next two hours detangling my hair.

I quickly braid it and tie the ends. I found the remote to the tv and took several minutes to turn it on. Scrolling through the channels, I stumble across a cop show, Criminal Minds. Leaving it on that channel, I sit on the floor in front of my bed and watch.

After the fourth episode, I heard someone knocking on my door. Jumping to my feet, I hurry over and open the door. Joel stood in the hall looking around. When he heard my door open, he spun to face me.

“King Winters wanted me to come get you for dinner.” I smile at him and step out into the hall making sure my door was shut. “I’m sorry about earlier.” Joel said as he rubbed his neck. I could tell that he was nervous or upset so I just give him a smile and shrug my shoulders.

“You don’t talk much do you?” He asked laughing. I just shake my head. He falls quiet as we step into the dining room. Instantly, every head turns to stare at us. Some growl while most just watch me, curious about what I was doing among them.

“SILENCE!” The king demands and the room becomes as still as a tomb. “As most of you know, I’ve started looking into the deaths of the Dark Moon pack. A pack that was very useful to not only me, but every king before me. It was believed that every member had been killed. But as you can see, that’s not true.

“Jenny here is that last member alive. I want you to treat her as you would me or my mate. If I hear or see anyone disrespecting her, that person will answer to me.” I didn’t look around the room, but I felt their eyes on me as I grabbed a plate. There was so much food to choose from, but I knew better than to get most of it.

I take several small scoops of corn, green beans, and mashed potatoes. There was some kind of meat, but I wasn’t sure about it so I left it off. Grabbing a glass of water, I turn around and Joel laughs at my plate. “You should eat more than that girl.”

I looked at the table and spotted a couple of seats at the end. Making my way quickly to the chair, I slide in it and start to eat. I was eating rather slow, getting my mouth used to the tastes again when I felt eyes on me.

I slowly chew the mouthful of food up before I look up. Joel was staring at me. “Why don’t you come sit with me in the front?” I look around me and notice that the wolves close to me looked a little nervous with Joel standing behind them. I just shake my head no and motion for him to go on.

I finish eating and follow some of the pack members as they carried their plates to the kitchen. When I saw the mountain of unwashed dishes, I felt my jaw hit the floor. Making several smaller stacks of dishes, I turn the water on and soon had a sink full of hot, soapy water.

I was quickly lost in my own little world cleaning the dishes. When I finished, I grabbed a towel and started drying them. Since I didn’t know where most of them belonged, I spent several very long minutes opening cabinets and doors.

Three hours later and every single dish were up where they belonged. Looking around the kitchen, I nod once and slowly walk out. I couldn’t believe how tired I was. As I made my way back to my room, I could hear several feet running around the house. “Where is she?” Someone yelled and I wondered if they were playing hide and seek.

Now that was a fun game. I tried teaching my small pack of wolves that my first year with them, but they never really caught on. I had just opened my door when I heard my name being called. I turn around and see the king running towards me. Wow, since when did alphas ever run towards a pack member?

I wait for him to reach me and I couldn’t help but notice the look of relief on his face. “Where did you disappear too? We couldn’t find you.”

-I was in the kitchen washing the mountain of dishes that were in the sink. 

“You didn’t have to do that Jenny. We have people who do that.” I just shrug again and look at my door. “Well, I’ll see you in the morning. The Council members will be here about 9, so you need to be up by 7.”

He leaves and I step into my room. Man, all that fuss over me washing a few dishes. I shake my head and walk into my room. Shutting the door behind me, I turn the tv off, grab a blanket off the bed and curl up on the floor. Within seconds I was out like a light. 

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