Chapter 10

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Jenny's POV

 For a day they let me rest after we arrived back at the palace. And I was grateful for every second away from Titus that I had. Don't get me wrong, both my wolf and I were missing him with every fiber of our soul, but every time I saw him, the image of him kissing another woman would flood my mind. And until I could learn how to block both the pain and the memory, I would have to keep my distance from him.

 I was currently sitting on the floor in front of my bed catching up on Criminal Minds. Almost an hour had passed since the King invited me to go with him to dinner, but I found that I wasn't hungry. Liar. You just don't want to see Mate.

 And with good reason Lily. He kissed another woman. Our mate doesn't love us. He's only accepting us because he's on the Council, and he's not allowed to rejection us without putting his position on the line.

 Why don't you listen to his side of the story Jen? Maybe it's not what we saw...

 Not what we saw? Lily, we saw our Mate kiss someone that wasn't us. And I could see the love he has for her shining in his eyes when he did. You can't deny that. I know you must have saw it as well.

 Jen, just ask him about it. And make sure you listen to what he says.

 Yeah, yeah. I'll ask him about it... When all this mess is over.

 No. You're going to ask him now! I sigh and shake my head. I knew what she meant. Both of us could tell that Titus was a great warrior. And we needed all the fighters we had with the fight between us and the hunters coming up. But I knew that even the greatest of warriors can fall and be defeated if they're minds were not 100 percent in the fight. And I could not allow Titus to fall because he was worried about me. I would not be the cause of his death. 

 Just as the last episode of season 8 finished, I heard a knock on my door. Standing up slowly, I make my way to it and turn the handle. Standing before me, looking very upset, was my mate. "Wayne told me that you didn't eat anything today." He stated and I looked at him confused. Who in the world was Wayne? Titus noted the confused look in my eyes. "The king."

 I just shrug. Titus sighed and ran a hand through his hair. That's when I noticed that he was holding a plate of food. Judging from the smell, it was venison stew. I found my eyes going back to his hair and my fingers itched to run through it. Tightening my grip on the door knob, I shake my head no. "You have to eat love. You're way to thin."

 Thin?! I'm too thin? I would have him know that I was the same size as the woman I found him lip locked with. Glaring at him, I cross my arms and shake my head no. I would eat when I was hungry and not a second before. I tried signing that I wasn't hungry at the moment, but he couldn't understand.

 Giving myself a slow face palm, I step out of my room and shut the door. Turning quickly, I walk towards the King's office and knock twice. He calls for me to enter and I slowly open the door. Titus follows me in still holding the plate of stew. The king's eyes glitter with mirth as he looks at the both of us. "What can I help you with Jenny?"

 -Tell this moron that I'm not hungry. And that I can take care of myself.

 "Titus, Jenny doesn't want to eat right now. She said that she'll grab something later." Titus left the room grumbling under his breath. As soon as the door shut, I turn back to Wayne.   –You have a traitor among you.

 "Do you know who it is?" I shake my head no. ­-All I know is that the traitor is a woman and that she's working with the hunters to them bring your pack down... I couldn't finish what I was going to say because the King leapt from behind his desk and roared. I wasn't afraid of him, but I kept a wary eye on hi­m just in case. "What else do you know Jenny?"

I looked into his eyes and noticed how cold they looked. –I overheard the hunters talking aboutattacking within three months. And that I would be the first to die. He growled again and I hold up my hands. –I have a way of finding out who she is.


 -It involves the rouge that I found in the woods not too long ago. He's in the dungeon right? At his nod, I stand up. –Take me to him. King Winters heads out of his office and I follow him. This would be the first time that I would try a mind meld without my mother or father there to help guide me along. It was an interrogation technique that my pack had perfected over the years. As I followed him down into the cellar, I couldn't help but wonder why the hunters wanted me dead. I mean, I was after all the last of my pack. I was alone and couldn't do that much harm. Right?

King Winter's POV

 As I lead Jenny to where the rouge was being held, I couldn't help but wonder how she was going to find out who the traitor was. Deep in my mind I knew that the Dark Moon held many secrets about what our kind had been able to do in the past. It was part of their job to hold on to that information and use it when needed. But no one else was allowed in on the secrets, not even the Alpha King.

 The hallway was dimly lit, but thanks to our wolf's vision, we could see just fine. Jenny and I reached the cage and I nodded to the guard. The door swung open and the two of us stepped in. The rouge had been bound to a chair with silver chains. When his eyes landed on me, he sneered. "I'm not afraid of you. You royals think you're something, when in reality, you're just a bunch of spoiled little brats that hold to much power over the rest of us."

I step forward and to my right. His eyes take in the girl behind me and he starts to laugh.

 "Bringing a girl to torture me now, are we? Are you getting to old for getting a little blood on your hands old man..." His eyes focused back on Jenny as she stepped closer to him and I watched a little fascinated as he started to pale.

 His eyes flew between us as he started shaking in fear. "Look man, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Just, please...Please don't let her touch me." His voice is breaking up as he keeps an eye on Jenny. She slowly walks around behind him and he freaks. The rouge starts fighting the silver chains, but he can't break free. When Jenny slowly places her fingers on each side of his head, the rouge whimpers.

 By now, his fear of her has peaked my interest. Just what did Jenny do that had this one little rouge terrified of her? I watched in fascination as her nails slowly grew, piercing the skin. Ten small trails of blood ran down his face. He slowly quick struggling and became very still. Jenny threw her head back and I watched as her eyes turned red. They stayed that way for almost two hours. Finally, Jenny removed her hands from his head.

 The rouge's eyes fluttered open slowly and he looked around dazed and confused. Jenny looked at me and smiled. But what happened next I did not see coming. She gasped and clutched her head and the collapsed onto the floor. Rushing towards her, I gently pick her up and run up the stairs. I wasn't sure if it was part of what happened or a side effect. And unfortunately, there was no one around that I could ask. 

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