Chapter 16

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Titus's POV...
I stared at Wayne and tried to calm myself. He sighed and ran s hand through his hair. "I'll sign off on the death warrant Titus. But I have to say that you're making a huge mistake. Jenny won't like it when she finds out."

"She won't find out." I growl softly and start to pace. I had almost lost my mate because of that foolish she-wolf's idea to get my mate involved with taking out the Marcellos. And what confused me was how she contacted Jenny in the first place.

Leaving the office, I head back to Jenny's room. Finding it empty once again, I almost unhinge. Turning around, I head for the door to start looking for her when the sound of soft gentle breathing reached my ears. Slowly opening the closet, I was surprised to find my mate curled up on the floor sleeping.

Slowly I pick her up and lay her on the bed. Making sure that she was still asleep, I leave and join the hint for Ellen. I would personally see to her death.

Jenny's POV...

I awoke and looked around the room, surprised to find myself on the bed. Catching Titus' scent in the air, I knew that he must have found me sleeping in the closet. Sitting up, I hear Ellen's voice.



TITUS IS AFTER ME. IM LEAVING THE COUNTRY FOR AWHILE. ILL CONTACT YOU WHEN I CAN. She dropped the link and I just started into space. He actually done it. My mate was planning on killing my sister, the only family I had left in this world.

Suddenly, my thoughts flew to the warning I received from my mother's ghost. Someone close to the Royal family was planning on killing them. And I had no idea who it was. My only clue was that it was a male. And mom said that he could not be trusted.

Feeling anxious, I leave the room and quickly look for the King. I find him in his study. Slipping in quietly, I take a seat in the shadows and watch him. Until I could figure out who the traitor was, I would be watching my king like a hawk. It was up to me to keep him and his family safe. Just like my ancestors did years ago.

Suddenly, I get an idea. If I joined his pack, I would be able to latch onto the mind links of his pack members and search their minds. And I would be able to find the traitor a lot quicker. Standing up, I walk over to the desk and sit in the chair before it. And of course, he still hadn't noticed me. For an Alpha King wolf, he was lacking. But one the other hand, I had spent my whole life honing my skills, making myself become near invisible to detect.

I tap the desk and watched as King Winters jumped. I couldn't keep the smile off my lips. His eyes land on me and his smiles. "Sorry Jenny. I didn't hear you come in. What can I do for you?" He asked and I saw worry in his eyes.

-I would like to join your pack Sir.

"Are you sure Jenny? Seeing as how your Titus' mate, you'd have to join the Council's pack when he left."

-I'm sure King Winters. Please. He smiled at me and nodded. "When do you want to do this?'

-Right now. I sign hurriedly and he laughs. The faster I became part of his pack, the faster I could root out the threat against him and his family. It was my duty to make sure he remained protected. I watched as he left the room and quickly returned holding a black box. "I know that you wouldn't want to stand in front of my entire pack, so I figured it would be best if we did this here in my office."

I nod my head and smile at him. He was right. While I got along with most everyone, I wasn't comfortable being around very large groups of people. Especially those that tend to shift into gigantic wolves. King Winters slowly opens the box and removes a blade. My eyes focus on it and a weak smile plays across my lips. I remembered seeing one similar in my childhood on my Alpha's desk. And while he never used his, he kept it close.

I held my hand out towards the king and he made a deep slash across my palm. Just as quick, he cut his hand and grasped mine. "I, King Wayne Winters, accept Jenny Rose, into my pack." Instantly I felt the connections as the pack mind link joined with me. After so many years alone, it was very loud. I winced and he laughed. "It'll take some getting used to Jenny."

Nodding my head once, I look at my palm. Only a small little scar remained. Once he left the room to return the blade back to its place, I return to my chair in the shadows. I would keep him in my sights until this had passed. If he died, along with the entire Royal family, the entire werewolf kingdom would be thrown into chaos. And that couldn't be allowed to happen.

Silently, I begin. As I slowly open one link after another, I make sure to have my barriers up. The wolf who's mind I was invading wouldn't even know I was there if I was careful. An hour later, and I was still no closer to finding him. I knew that this pack was one of the largest in history, so I didn't expect it would happen quickly. But, I was glad that none of the guards and warriors was the person I was after.

Suddenly, the study doors swung open hard, bouncing off the walls. I watched as Titus ran into the room, a worried looked plastered on his face. "She's...She's gone again Wayne. I can't find her anywhere. I swear that if Ellen somehow managed to kidnap her yet again, death will be too good for her." A silent growl built up in my throat at the open threat to my sister. But neither of them heard it.

"Calm down Titus. Jenny was just in here an hour ago. So, I'm pretty sure she's still on the grounds. Have you checked the library?" King Winters asked my mate and I watched as his face brightened. "No...No I haven't." With that, he turn and shot out of the room as fast as he could. My new alpha chuckled and stood up. Instantly I was on my feet.

We left the office, while I was making sure to stay several feet behind him, hidden. He went to the kitchen where his mate and pups were. The Queen hugged and kissed him and I lowered my eyes. Once I heard his voice, my head rose again. "Where's Jenny Wayne? I'd love to finally meet her. It seems like everyone is talking about her, and yet, I've not even met this young girl."

Laughter filled the kitchen and I knew that I would have to save some time for the Queen. There was something about her personality that reminded me of my lost mother. "I think she's hiding from Titus at the moment dear." The Queen smiled and muttered something about "love birds" under her breath. If only she knew about the darkness that was trying to threaten her happiness.

"Well, when she's found, make sure you invite her to dinner with us tonight love." She said as she sat plates of food on the table. Half an hour later, Titus joined them. He just sat in a chair and sulked. He wasn't happy with not finding me. "Was she there Titus?"

"Nope. Not even a weak trail was in that stupid library." I smiled, but my wolf whined at the hurt look that he wore. She wanted to hurry over to him and comfort him, to beg for his forgiveness. But I just steeled my shoulders back and focused on my King. Until my King was safe, my mate would have to take the back burner.

Every wolf had been raised to believe that your mate comes before all else. And that was true; just not for me and my old pack. It was our King and his family that came before all else, including our mates. Still, I hated that he looked so hurt. Linking with the King, I speak softly.

Excuse me Alpha, could you please tell Titus that I'll speak with him later tonight? I watched as he jumped at the sudden link. I smiled and watched as he looked around confused. Who is this?

Jenny, Sire.

Oh, sorry... Wait, Jenny? I thought you was mute.

I am Sire. But I can still mind link. It's only my body's voice that is gone, not my mind. His chuckle filled my mind. I'll tell him. But he's pretty worried about you.

I know. Please, just tell him that I'll explain what I can tonight. And that he won't see me until then.

Alright. Where are you anyway? I could hear the curiosity in his voice. I'm close by and safe Alpha. Trust me on that. He smiled and briefly nodded his head. Once Titus heard that I was safe, nearby and that I would see him later, his whole face changed. Instantly, I felt better. But it disappeared as soon as it came. I knew that my mate would not be too with my decision to join the King's pack, or with the news that I wouldn't be able to see him. And it would eat him up because I wouldn't be able to tell him the reason why. At least not yet any ways. I just hoped that he would understand once everything was over.

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