Chapter One

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Within the last year, a lot has happened in my life. Both of my parents lost cusody over me, due to legal issues going on. Now I live with my cousin's family. Doesn't sound like a big deal, right? I used to live in the beautiful state of Virginia. It's a really pretty place. Then I moved to Stratford, Ontario, Canada. There's kind of a big difference there. First of all it's no longer the United States of America. That's a huge thing! I'm American, not Canadian! Plus my junior year of high school is about to start and I know pretty much nobody. Well, besides my cousin ryan Butler and his best friends Justin Bieber and Chaz Somers. All my friends are back in the states. More importantly, tomorrow is the first day of school here. Stratford High School tried to keep my classes as similar as possible to my classes at James Wood High School. I still have Trigonometry/ Advance Algebra, Spanish 3, English 11, Economics/ Finances, Chemistry and Web Tech & Gaming. I've never taken any sort of Web class, I thought I would try something new for once. Only one class that changes is US History. Obviously, I'm not going to learn about US history in Canada. Instead of having P.E. for just two years it's four years. I think I'm going to cry now. Are they trying to kill me or something? At least there isn't uniforms for P.E. I would die probably. I sat on my bed getting my materials for school all ready. Ryan comes in to my room and just jumps on my bed. Which made some of my papers fly off. Ugh. As we grew up, me and Ryan had a brother-sister relationship. I'm pretty right now isn't the time for those nice family moments. Looks like Ryab, Justin and Chaz are just coming in my room to annoy me. "How's my little cousin doing?" I glared at him. Can he not?

"First of all, I'm not little. I'm 17," I remarked.

"You're really short and weigh pretty nothing. So ye you are my little cousin," he said rubbing my head. Ugh please stop.

"Answer the question midget," Justin rudly said to be me, standin at the doorway with Chaz.

"I'm not a midget and by the way she's doing fine." I hate being called a midget, I'm not the legal height of a midget. I'm 4'11 and midget is 4'9. There's a difference but not a big one.

"Sassy little thing." Justin said.

"You should have respect for your seniors," Chaz added.

"I should be a senior, If I didn't start school," I said with a bit of an attitude. Correction, a lot of attitude.

"But you're not, now are you?" Ryan questioned my statement. Suddenly my phone went off. Justin quickly grabbed it off my dresser. I keep forgetting to put a passcode and keep it close to me at all times.

"Ler's see what juicy secrets she has on here." Ryan got up to join in on the action. The three of them stood there giggling at what they were seeing. They were acting like a bunch of little girls. I'm suppose to respect them? I rolled my eyes. They always have to tease me. I'm guessing they're going through my texts, pictures and whatever else is possiblity on my iPhone. They continued to giggle, which was getting to me. They are so immature.

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked nicely.

"Why would we do that?" I swear me and Justin hate each other. I watched as my phone traveled from Justin to Chaz to Ryan.

"Ryan please??" I begged.

"You wanted it?" Ryan teased me, swaying my phone in my face.


"Come and get it then," he said putting my phone high up in the air. I looked up at my lovely phone then looked down at him. I did this motion twice. Justin had a dumb smirk on his face, so did Chaz. I tried to jump up to reach and failed each time. Of course Justin and Chaz were cracking up. Assholes. It's a lot of work doing that truthfully. Plus, my skinny jeans weren't working the best with me. "I'll give you your phone back under one condition." Oh here we go. "I don't care if you're suppose to be a senior, you're not one. No seniors, no acceptions" This isn't the first time he's told me this. All this summer he has told me no seniors. I get it, no seniors.

"You have told me this the entire summer. I think I get it by now."

"I just care about you. I don't want perverted seniors messing around with you. That's all I'm trying to say." Ryan can be overprotective at times. Scatch that, a lot of times. "You're like a sister to me." Always have and always will.

"Aww touchy family moment. Sorry to break it up but can we watch the movie now?" Justin interrupted.

"We sure can," Ryan said.

"We would ask you to join but the movie wouldn't be good for someone like you," Chaz directed towards me.

"Why would I want to watch a movie with you fools?" The three of them walked downstairs to the living room. Ryan didn't give me back my phone. "Ryan!" He walked back to me and handed me my phone. "Thank you."

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