Chapter 13

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"How was it?" Ryan asked me as I took off my shoes at the front door.
"Not too bad actually."
"I knew it."
"Shut up jackass." Then it hit me. I totally have to tell Ryan that Justin can sing. "O my gosh! Did you know that Justin could sing!" He looked at me in shock then laughed immediately.
"Justin doesn't sing little cuz."
"I know that, I'm pretty sure everyone does truthfully. But at the meeting Mrs. Johnson asked well more like forced us to sing a duet together. He has a pretty good voice."
"I find that hard to believe." I did too at first, but then I was proven wrong. His voice sounds angelic. Just a few days ago I was calling him a total dick. Now I'm kind of thinking maybe he isn't all that bad after all. I ran upstairs to take a nice shower and go to sleep. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. Will there be anymore surprises? I guess I'll just have to see. I was woken up by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Another wonderful day of school subtract the wonderful part. It's time for yet another boring day. Ryan pulled in the school parking lot just to see the usual life at Stratford High. In one section of the school there is the dumb as bricks jocks. Not too far from the jocks are the slutty cheerleaders. Another section has the couples that love to suck each other faces. Sometimes you can find Justin and Miranda there. Wasn't I just saying nice things about him? Where am I you ask? As far away as possible. All I'm trying to do is get to my classes, that's my only goal. Thanks to Travis that has sort of changed for me. I guess that's what happens when you find someone that actually likes you. Time for first period.
"How was it?" Lizzy asked me as I took my seat.
"How was what?" I questioned her.
"Don't play dumb," she said hitting me in the arm. "You know what I mean."
"It went okay."
"Just okay??"
"Yes, just okay," I lied. It didn't go okay, it went awesome. I was able to see another side of Justin that no one else sees. That's pretty sweet in my opinion. But I can't I can't let Lizzy know that. If I told her that he could sing, she would freak the fuck out. I don't need that.
"Well at least it wasn't terrible. I'm happy to hear that at least. You are with him again after school, right?"
"Well it better be fantastic if else." We both laughed. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Surprisingly, Justin didn't bother me in first period. That's a first. He's usually always trying to messs with me somehow. He was pretty quite actually. The bell rang,dismissing all of us from first period.
"Hey you." I turned around as I exited my first period class. I turned around to see that it was Travis. "Have you been busy?"
"No, why?"
"I've been trying to get in touch with you all yesterday and this morning."
"Sorry, my uhh phone must have been off."
"Well it should be on more often." He walked up to me and kisses my forehead. "What if something bad happens?" He's a really nice guy. Well I hope he is at least. My mind seems to be anywhere but here at the time. I just can't focus at the moment. Let's just get this day over with so I can clear my mind.

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