Stuck in a Car

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        //AN// yep. thats right. i'm starting this out with a author's note. but i just wanted to say that my writing sucks and i come up with good ideas but im terrible at writng. also my "i" button doesnt work very well so if you see words written lke ths ts because ts broken thanx. bai.

*Dan P.O.V*

"I hate being stick in a car. Especially with Phil. It's not that I dislike him, it's just that I hate how he sings along to EVERY SINGLE SONG. Even if he doesn't know the song, he still sings along. Sometimes he quietly mumbles the words to himself, other times he screams them so loudly I'm pretty sure Australia can hear him.

Sometimes I want to slap him. Especially when a good song is on and he changes it to some shitty pop station. Then he'll start singing again and whipping his hair back and forth.

But he is adorable when he does it.

 Wait what? I didn't say that. Nor did I think it. Shut up Dan. Your a heterosexual male. You like women, not men.

Sure, Dan.

Okay, sub conscience enough is enough! I'm Gay! Not stra- wait, NO!

Ha! You admit you like guys!


Yes you did.

No I didn't!

Yes you did.


Stop lying to yourself. I know what your thinking. I am you. I know. Just admit it.

Okay. Fine. I'll admit it. I've liked Phil since the day we became flatmates. Well that feels good to get off my chest..

Look at Phil.

Why? Oh Wait."  I have been talking outloud the entire time. And now Phil is looking at me like I'm crazy. I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks as I look down at my hands.

"I understand if you want to move out." I say quietly. I think I've really blown it now.

He says nothing for a while and I look up at him. He's smiling his innocent little smile. His adorable, insanely cute, innocent lttle smile.

"Why would I want to leave if I liked you so much?" He says still smiling. I perk up a bit. "What if he battled with his subconsience to? What if he likes me as much as I like h- no. I love him. I don't just like him. I love him. I love how he sings along to every song he hears, even if he doesn't know it. I love it how sometimes he mumbles the words and other times he screams them so loud I'm pretty sure Australia can hear him. I love how he whips his hair back and forth to the beat of a song. I love him." Oops said it out loud again.

"I love you too, Dan." He smiles. I smile back. He leans over. He's gonna kiss me. I can feels his breathe on my face... I close my eyes.. I feel his lips brush against mine.. he's kissing me. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before in my life. I'm glad I was talking out loud.

//AN// sooo how was that? I feel embaressed because I know my friend *cough* Gabby I know ur reading this *cough* is reading this and yeah. I suck at writing and have failed to update books. Iike making up short stories that don't go passed 2 chapters. It's easier for me. yeah. sorry if i missed any 'i's because like. the button s broken and so is the 'd' button and occasonally the space bar but other than that every thing seems fine on my key board. any way, bai lamas!

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