14. Carpool karaoke

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"So... what's it?" Anastasia was preparing a change of clothes for the shower she was gonna take after talking to Vision.

"I believe you could help me with Wanda. Tell me about things girls like" she scoffs and sits next to him in her bed.

"You should talk about this kind of stuff with Tommy, he's got a girlfriend. I've never had one, I can give you some advice about girls but... I don't think that's the kind of advice you want" she confessed smiling awkwardly. Vision nodded understanding what she was talking about.

"Yeah... umm. But, you're a girl. Right?" She nodded "Then tell me, what things would you like to do with someone you want to date" she thought about it for a hot minute. She never thought about that before.

"I'm really bad at this V. If you want sex tips then I can help you with that but... dates? I know nothing about that" he looked shocked at her, he didn't expect her to talk to him about sex. He realised it was gonna be difficult but an idea crossed his mind.

"Thank you for your sincerity Anastasia. I'll leave you here so you take your shower" she nodded and he left. He went to look for Tommy and found him in the living room.

"Hi Vision. Wanna watch a movie?" Tommy asked him. "Actually, I need your help with something" he sat next to him on the couch and Tommy turned off the TV. "What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

"Oh. Nothing is wrong. You see, I was told to get information out of Anastasia so Pietro could prepare a date with her but it's impossible" Vision explained in disbelief.

Tommy chuckled and shook his head "What do you expect from her? She was trained not to share too much information. You could torture her and you'll probably just get laugh at".

"Yes but, you are her best friend. Now tell me. Could you help us?" He nodded and they went to Wanda's room where both of the twins were. "He is going to help you" Vision told Pietro.

"What could I do?" Pietro asked Tommy. He thought about this a little bit. She's not a romantic person. Never was and never will be so it's a difficult question to answer.

"She loves art. Maybe a museum date but don't bring her flowers or anything romantic for that matter. Just go to a museum and let her explain every painting and sculpture and whatever they have" Pietro nodded and Wanda wrote everything down as if it was a class.

"What about food? Lunch? Dinner?" Pietro asked. If he was gonna take her to a date it had to be a really good one, she needed to be impressed.

"She loves Taco Bell" the twins looked at each other confused and Vision nodded as she did tell him.

Anastasia was walking around the compound and saw that nobody was there. She called Tommy but he never responded. She was walking back to her room when she saw Pietro waiting for her.

"What are you doing here?" She tried to open the door but he blocked the way. "Really?" He smirked and she sighed.

"I was thinking of going to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, I've heard is the best in New York City. Wanna come?" She thought about it for a moment. What is he up to? She thought.

"Why?" This caught him off ward, he expected her to be excited like Tommy told him but she was suspicious about his sudden action.

"Nobody else can go and I don't want to go alone" she could tell that he was lying but didn't want to question it because she did want to go.

"Sure. When?" He smiled excited and gave her a ticket, she looked at it and nodded.

"Tomorrow, 10:00 in the front door" he ran off letting her enter her room. Once inside she placed the ticket on her desk and smiled.

"Don't. Don't do that" she told herself.

The next day she wore a white floral dress and black boots and he wore jeans with a blue with straws shirt and a leather jacket.

"You look beautiful" he told her admiring the girl in front of him. "Thanks. You look awful" she said smiling causing him to roll his eyes. In the way to the museum she made him listen to her playlist, full of songs of QUEEN, Taylor Swift, Rihanna and AC/DC.

They got into the museum and while she was admiring the art and explaining the lives of the authors and what they wanted to say with their art, he was admiring her.

"You're not talking much" she commented breaking him out of his thoughts.

"I'm letting you talk" he said smiling and he could she that she wanted to laugh.

"Sure" he looked at her confused. Maybe she knows why I brought her here. No, no. If she knew she wouldn't come, right? He thought.

They took pictures of both of them and together and had a nice day, later they went to Taco Bell and Anastasia was smiling a lot, which is weird.

"I didn't know you knew about Taco Bell" she said to him and he looked shocked "I'm guessing you talked to Tommy or Vision" she chuckled and kept eating while he was highly confused.

"Did you enjoy the day?" He asked slowly scared of her answer, she simply nodded not wanting to talk with her mouth full and he smiled slightly.

On their way home it was time for Pietro's playlist and he was amazed on how she knew every song.

"I love this song!" She said referring to Counting Stars of OneRepublic, she started to sing it loudly and he laughed watching the scene.

When they got home she couldn't really talk much since she sang her ass off in the car and now her voice was raspy.

"Hey! How was it?" Nat asked from the dinning table. Ana went to grab water for her dry throat.

"It went great. Your goddaughter now can't talk since she couldn't stop singing in the car" Pietro said smiling causing Ana to roll her eyes.

"Your father always tells you not to force your voice and you never listen!" Nat yelled at her getting confused looks from everyone.

"I was singing, it's not a big deal" now her voice was a little bit better thanks to the water. This argument was because she loves to sing but since sometimes she wakes up screaming damaging her vocal cords she wasn't aloud to sing much. Pietro didn't know this so she took the chance and sang every song.

"Ok. Tomorrow when you wake up screaming and you can't talk for almost a week like the last time you tell me. Oh. Wait! You won't be able to!" Nat said getting up from her seat.

"You said you wouldn't bring that up ever again!" Ana shouted back. All the Avengers were looking confused, Tommy being the only exception.

"Not when you are hurting yourself, again!" Ana rolled her eyes and Tommy nodded at Natasha's words.

"You know, she's right. When a doctor tells you not to do something, you listen to them, that's how it works" Tommy said causing her a maniac laugh.

"You... you think I don't know?" She kept laughing and Bucky got up slowly knowing what she was gonna say next "I freaking grew up surrounded by doctors! I know how they work! And I. Don't. Care!" She shouted. Bucky grabbed her and took her to her room.

"You ok?" He asked her. She sat on her bed and looked out of the window.

"I'm tired" he nodded and sat next to her.

"It was a long day. Get some rest, I'll bring you some honey, it's good for your umm... problem" he tried to make her feel good but he didn't exactly know how.

"I'm not talking about that" she said looking at him with sadness. He nodded and walked away while she got a call from her dad.

"What were you thinking?"

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